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He used to continue long at it, making me spend two or three times before he did, and then when he felt it coming he used to withdraw, and his prick being all moist, real jailbait ass pics he would slip it into my bottom, and spend there as soon as ever he got the head of it inside.” “And did that give you any pleasure, mamma?” “He had excited me, and made me spend several times before he did so; and beyond slight irritation I did not feel much pleasure, as he was generally so near the crisis that he could scarce do more than get its head in when off he went. “Did he ever get it in altogether—and then did it give you pleasure?” “Sometimes he did when he had drawn it out of sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world my cunt too soon; in such cases he used to pause until by rubbing my clitoris he got me into a renewed state of lewdness, and then the pleasure was peculiar and great.” “Oh, my dear, mamma, you must let me too fuck you in that way, and then you know we shall get no children.” “My darling Charlie, it is impossible that this great big thing could ever get into that orifice, my late husband’s was not half your size, and he had great difficulty unless I had already spent three or four times and relaxed real jailbait ass pics all those parts. I should not dare to let real jailbait ass pics you attempt it.” “Oh, yes my darling mamma, you will let me just get its point in and spend there.

We will fuck two or three times first, and then after the third time I shall frig you till you spend first, and so I shall be ready just to put in the point for you to try how it feels.” “But, my dear boy, the least throb on my part will push it out, unless it is in over the nut, and only look what a size it is. I can hardly grasp it, and although it is so velvety it is quite hard.

Oh, the dear fellow, let me kiss it, and then do you fuck me again, my darling.” She bent her body, gave me a delicious suck, then throwing herself on her back, and opening her beautiful thighs, invited me to mount her. Before doing so I also bent and sucked her charming and well-developed clitoris, until she squealed again with pleasure, and begged me to put it to her. I threw myself on her belly, and with one vigorous shove drove my rampant prick up to the hilt, making her all shake again. She was so hotly wound up that she spent with the single shove, and poured a flood of hot liquid over my delighted prick. I, too, would have gone off in two more thrusts had she not thrown her arms and legs around me, and slipping her hands over my buttocks, held me tight pressed against the pouting and greedy lips of her salacious cunt as if she would shove in ballocks, buttocks and all, if it were possible. So keeping it tightly thrust in up to the real jailbait ass pics lowest hair, which lay all crushed between us, I real jailbait ass pics let her indulge in all the delight of perfect conjunction, responding to her delicious throbbing cunt with powerful throbs of my own highly excited prick. For more than a quarter of an hour did she lie panting and convulsively sobbing in the perfect ecstasy of enjoyment. At last she drew my mouth down to hers, and thrust her sweet tongue into my mouth; I sucked it, and her hands relaxing the pressure of my buttocks, against her cunt, I began a slow in and out movement that soon renewed her utmost lubricity. Most actively and divinely did she second me with an art quite her sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs own. Fast and furious grew our movements, until, like all things human, they came to an end in a death-like agony of delight, in which my very soul seemed to take flight, and we lay all unconscious, for I don’t know how long, enjoying all those exquisite after-delights which a prick soaking in the cunt of a beautiful and lewd woman so enchantingly confers. When we recovered, we rolled over sideways, and still intertwined and conjoined in the sweet priapic bonds, we lay billing and cooing with all those soft loving murmurings and bitings so befitting such moments. At last both were again ready, and longing for the fight. She saw at once my object, and said I was a little traitor, who wanted to surprise her bottom-hole. “But, my darling boy, it is really impossible.” I embraced, flattered, cajoled, and implored her until at last she promised that if I would engage on honour not to go sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy further, she would try and support the entrance of my prick as far as over the nut, but that I must really withdraw it if it was too painful for her. So these preliminaries being arranged, she got into position. First stooping to lick out her delicious cunt, and give a suck or two at her charming clitoris, I brought my eager prick to the pouting and longing lips of her delicious cunt, and after two or three rubs, thrust it in with a rush that made my belly smack against high quality pics of sexy grandmothers in lingerie her glorious backside.

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