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It is a crude but very effective method of depicting the ignorance, even stupidity, of a virgin girl. It also affords the story-teller an opportunity of an indirect reference to a favourite theme--the erotic tendency of women once their sexual senses are aroused.[29] [29] _C.f._ _Excursus_ to _The Tale of Kamar al-Zaman_, where the subject is discussed at length. One episode of _The Enchanted Ring_ (the remarkable qualities of the young man’s _penis_ when adorned with the ring) can hardly fail to recall “_The Night of Power_,” (sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs Sir Richard F. Burton’s _Thousand Nights and a Night_), sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs wherein the husband’s organs undergo rapid and wonderful transformation. This tale is described by Sir Richard Burton as “the grossest and most brutal satire on the sex, suggesting that a woman would prefer an additional inch of _penis_ to anything this world or the next can offer her.” One cannot help noting, none the less, the indecent anxiety sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs of the mother-in-law, in our story from _Kruptadia_, to sample the mighty yard of the newly-returned husband.[30] [30] In _The Night of Power_ we have the story of a man who, believing that three prayers would be granted to him, consults his wife as to what he shall ask. She advises him to ask Allah to “greaten and magnify his yard.” He does so, whereupon his yard “became as big as a column, and sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs he could neither sit nor stand nor move sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs about nor even stir from his stead; and when he would have carnally known his wife, she fled before him from place to place.” In distress the husband asks, as his second wish, to be delivered of this burden, and “immediately his prickle disappeared altogether and he became clean smooth. When his wife saw this, she said: ‘I have no occasion for thee now thou art become pegless as an eunuch, shaven and shorn.... Pray Allah the most High to restore thee thy yard as it was.’ So he prayed to his Lord and his prickle was restored to its first estate. Thus the man lost his three wishes by the ill counsel and lack of sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs wit in the woman.” Our brief summary is taken from Sir Richard F. Burton’s translation of _The Thousand Nights and a Night_. ADVENTURES WITH HEDVIGE AND HELENE AT GENEVA.[31] [31] _Memoirs of Jacques Casanova_: For the first time translated into English and Privately Printed, 1894: 12 vols.: 1000 copies only. _Casanova makes the acquaintance of two charming cousins, sexy pornstar girls hot tight pants ass and boobs Hedvige and Helene, at Geneva. After sundry meetings, at which theology and sexual matters are discussed in a frank and amusing fashion, Casanova gets the chance to take his two charmers for a stroll in the garden where they can be sure of immunity from interruption.

Casanova’s opportunity occurs as a result of Hedvige’s desire to know why a deity could not impregnate a woman, a male acquaintance having said that he could not with propriety expound such mysteries to her. Casanova gladly agrees to make the matter clear, adding, however, that he must be allowed to speak quite plainly. The text continues:_ Yea, speak clearly,” quoth Hedvige, “for none can hear us; but I am forced to confess that I am cognisant of the formation of man only in theory and by lecture. True, I have seen statues, but I have never seen and still less have I examined real[32] man. ‘Tis good to know all.” “Well, my charming Hedvige,” said I, “thy theologian wished to tell thee that Jesus was not capable of erection.” “What is that?” “Give me thy hand.” “I feel it and I can picture it; for, without this natural phenomenon, man could not impregnate his consort. And this foolish theologian pretendeth that it is an imperfection!” “Yea, for this phenomenon springeth from desire, for ‘tis very true that it would not have worked in me, sweet Hedvige, had I not found thee charming and had not what I had seen of thee given me the most seductive idea of the beauties I see not. Tell me frankly if, after feeling this rigidity of mine, thou dost not experience an agreeable sensation?” “I confess it; ‘tis precisely where thou pressest. Dost not feel as I, my dear Helene, an itching and a longing on likening to the very true discourse given to us by this gentleman?” “Yea, I feel it, but I feel it very often, without any discourse exciting it.” “And then,” quoth I, “Nature forceth thee to appease it thus?” “Not at all.” “Oh, that it were so, Hedvige! Even in sleep one’s hand strayeth there by instinct; and, lacking this easement, I have read that we should suffer terrible maladies.” And whilst we continued this philosophical converse, which the youthful theologian sustained with an authoritative tone, and which brought a look of voluptuousness to the lovely complexion of her cousin, we came to the edge of a fine pool where one descended by a marble staircase to bathe.

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