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She came to me with open arms on the instant she saw me, and, embracing sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy me ardently, signified her appreciation of my patience in my weary prison. “Divine Hedvige,” quoth I, “had I not loved thee madly, I had not stayed one fourth of an hour in that dismal cell; but for thy sake I would readily pass hours there daily till I quit this spot. Our fate must be exactly equal.” “Yea, beloved Helene,” said I, embracing her.

“I love thee both with equal ardour, and these ceremonies but waste the time wherein I should be convincing ye of my passion. I am about to disrobe and place myself in the midst of the bed. Come lie beside me, and ye will see if I love ye as ye are worthy to be loved. If all be safe, I will remain till ye send me away, but whate’er ye do, of your mercy extinguish not the light.” In the twinkling of an eye, all the while discussing the theory of shame with Hedvige the theologian, I presented myself to their gaze in the costume of Adam. Hedvige, blushing but fearing, perchance, to depreciate herself in my opinion by any further reserve, parted with the last shred of modesty, citing the opinion of St.

Clement Alexandrinus, who held that in the shirt lay the seat of shame. I praised unstintingly her charms and the perfection of her form, thereby hoping to encourage Helene, who was disrobing but slowly; but a charge of mock modesty from her cousin had more effect than all my praises. At length this Venus was in a state of nature, covering her most secret parts with one hand, concealing one breast with the other, and seeming most sadly shamed of all she could not conceal. Her modest confusion, this strife ‘twixt expiring modesty and growing passion, enchanted me. Hedvige was taller than Helene, her skin was whiter, and her breasts twice the size of her cousin’s; but in Helene was more animation, sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy her form was more sweetly moulded, and her bust was on the model of the Venus de Medici. By degrees she became bolder, put at ease by her cousin, and we passed several moments in admiring each other; then to bed we went. Nature called loudly, and all we desired was to satisfy its demands. With a coolness that I did not fear would fail me, I made a woman of Hedvige, and when all was o’er she kissed me, saying that the pain was naught compared to the pleasure. Next came the turn of Helene, who was six years younger than Hedvige; showing meagan good naked pic showing me her pussy but the finest “fleece”[34] that e’er I saw presented something of an obstacle. This she parted with her two hands, being jealous of her cousin’s success; and although she was not initiated into the mysteries of love without woeful pain, her sighs were truly sighs of happiness as she responded to my ardent efforts. Her charms and vivacious movements caused me to shorten the sacrifice, and when I quitted the sanctuary my two beauties perceived I was in need of repose.

[34] “Fleece,” sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy of course, is an accepted erotic term for pubic hair (Farmer: _Slang and its Analogues_); _c.f._ also the French term _toison_. Helene’s hirsute sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy adornment is in keeping with psychological precept--that hairiness and sensuality go hand in hand. Havelock Ellis, in his _Studies_, quotes numerous authorities who are strongly of this opinion, (vol.

Lombroso, he adds, found that prostitutes generally tend to be hairy. In another volume of his _Studies_, Havelock Ellis relates the history of a man for whom a hirsute _mons veneris_ always had a peculiar attraction. “When accosted by sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy prostitutes,” says the subject of this history, “I would never go with them unless assured that the _mons veneris_ was very hirsute.” That genial old soldier Brantome (_Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies_: Translated by A. Allinson: Paris, Charles Carrington, 1901) says: “I have heard speak of a certain great lady, sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy and I have known her myself and do know her still, who is all shaggy and hairy over the chest, stomach, shoulders and all down the spine, and on her bottom, like a savage....

The proverb hath it, no person thus hairy is ever rich or wanton; but verily really fat black pussy in this case the lady is both the one and the other, I can assure you....” Brantome also speaks of women who “have hair in that part not curly at all, but so long and drooping, you would say they were the moustachios of a Saracen’s head. Nathless they do never remove this fleece, but prefer to have it so, seeing there is a saying: ‘A grassgrown path and a hairy coynte are both good roads to ride.’ ... I have heard speak of another fair and honourable lady which did have the hair of this part so long she would entwine the same with strings or ribbons of silk, crimson and other colours, and have them curled like the curls of a wig, and attached to her thighs.

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