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They came from her whom I adored, and for whom I was ready at any hour to lay down my life. “I am beginning to enjoy it,” she said, “but enough for to-day. I am beginning to feel a demonic curiosity to see how far your strength goes. I take a cruel joy in seeing you tremble and writhe beneath my whip, and in hearing your groans and wails; I want to go on whipping without pity until you beg for mercy, until you lose your senses. But now get up.” I seized her hand to press it to my lips. “What impudence.” She shoved me away with her foot. “Out of my sight, slave!” * * * * * After having spent a feverish night filled with confused dreams, I awoke. How much of what was hovering in my memory was true; what had I actually experienced and what had I dreamed? I can monkey fuck young girl nude images still feel each blow, and count the burning red stripes on my body. No, I am merely somewhat tired, but her cruelty has enraptured me. All this cannot express monkey fuck young girl nude images in the remotest way my feeling for her, my complete devotion to her. * * * * * She calls to me from her balcony. She is standing on monkey fuck young girl nude images the threshold, holding out her hand in friendly fashion. “I am ashamed of myself,” she says, while I embrace her, and she hides her head against my breast. “Why?” “Please try to forget the ugly scene of yesterday,” she said with quivering voice, “I have fulfilled your mad wish, now let us be reasonable and happy and love each other, and in a year I will be your wife.” “My mistress,” I exclaimed, “and I your slave!” “Not another word of slavery, cruelty, or the whip,” interrupted Wanda. “I shall not grant you any of those favors, none except wearing my fur-jacket; come and help me into it.” * * * * * The little bronze clock on which stood a cupid who had just shot his bolt struck midnight. Wanda said nothing, but embraced me and drew me back on the ottoman. She began to kiss me anew, and this silent language was so comprehensible, so convincing— And it told me more than I dared to understand. A languid abandonment pervaded Wanda’s entire being. What a voluptuous softness there was in the gloaming of her half-closed eyes, in the red flood of her hair which shimmered faintly under the white powder, in the red and white satin which crackled about her with every movement, in the swelling ermine of the _kazabaika_ in which she carelessly nestled. “Please,” I stammered, “but you will be angry with me.” “Do with me what you will,” she monkey fuck young girl nude images whispered. “Well, then whip me, or I shall go mad.” “Haven’t I forbidden you,” said Wanda sternly, “but you are incorrigible.” “Oh, I am so terribly in love.” I had sunken on my knees, and was burying my glowing face in her lap.

“I really believe,” said Wanda thoughtfully, “that your madness is nothing but a demonic, unsatisfied sensuality. _Our unnatural way of life must generate such illnesses._ Were you less virtuous, you would be completely monkey fuck young girl nude images sane.” “Well then, make me sane,” I murmured. My hands were running through her hair and playing tremblingly with the monkey fuck young girl nude images gleaming fur, which rose and fell like a moonlit wave upon her heaving bosom, and drove all my senses into confusion. No, she kissed me savagely, pitilessly, as if she wanted to slay me with her kisses.

I was as in a delirium, and had long since lost my reason, but now I, too, was breathless.

“I am suffering agonies.” “You are suffering—” she broke out into a loud amused laughter. “You laugh!” I moaned, “have you no idea—” She was serious all of a sudden. She raised my head in her hands, and with a violent gesture drew me to her breast. “Of course, you enjoy suffering,” she said, and laughed again, “but wait, I’ll bring you to your senses.” “No, I will no longer ask,” I exclaimed, “whether you want to belong to me for always or for only a brief moment of intoxication. You are mine now, and I would rather lose you than never to have had you.” “Now you are sensible,” she said. I tore the ermine apart and the covering of lace and her naked breast surged against mine.

Then my senses left me— The first thing I remember is the moment when I saw blood dripping from my hand, and she asked apathetically: “Did you scratch me?” “No, I believe, I have bitten you.” * * * * * It is strange how every relation in life assumes a different face as soon as a new person enters. We spent marvellous days together; we visited the mountains and lakes, we read together, and I completed Wanda’s portrait.

And how we loved one another, how beautiful her smiling face was! Then a friend of hers arrived, a divorced woman somewhat older, more experienced, and less scrupulous than Wanda. Her influence is already making itself felt in every direction. Wanda wrinkles her brows, and displays a certain impatience with me. * * * * * For almost a fortnight this unbearable restraint has lain upon us. With my seriousness and melancholy I am playing an absurd role as lover. To-day, while out walking, she staid behind with me. I saw that this was done intentionally, and I rejoiced.

She doesn’t think you either handsome or particularly attractive otherwise. She is telling me from morning till night about the glamour of the frivolous life in the capital, hinting at the advantages to which I could lay claim, the large parties which I would find there, and the distinguished and handsome admirers which I would attract.

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