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We must be content with examining some of the most interesting and pertinent extracts from the works of those qualified to speak on the subject. At the outset we are confronted with the striking fact that, while the ancients sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world were prone to regard woman as generally amative, even lustful, modern thought has exactly reversed this opinion.

“It seems to have been reserved for the nineteenth century,” says Havelock Ellis, (_op. supra_), “to state that women are apt to be congenitally incapable of experiencing complete sexual satisfaction, and peculiarly liable to sexual anaesthesia. This idea appears to have been almost unknown to the eighteenth century....” Thus we have two schools of thought, one attributing to woman an intense sexual impulse, even greater than in man, the other sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world holding her sexually frigid by nature and erotic only by pretence or accident. We may helpfully sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world quote again from our Havelock Ellis, who has sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world summarised in masterly fashion the various authorities on both sides:-- “In the treatise _On Generation_, (chap. 5), which until recent times was commonly ascribed to Hippocrates,” he says, “it is stated that men have greater pleasure in coitus than women, though the pleasure of women lasts longer, and this opinion, though not usually accepted, was treated with great respect by medical authors down to the end of the 17th century....

Gall had stated decisively that the sexual desires of men are stronger and more imperious than those of women. Raciborski declared that three-fourths of women merely endure the approaches of men. “‘When the question is carefully inquired into and without prejudice,’ said Lawson Tait, ‘it is found that sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world women have their sexual appetites far less developed than men.’ (Lawson Tait, _Provincial Medical Journal_, 1891). ‘The sexual instinct is very powerful in man and comparatively weak in women,’ he stated elsewhere.

‘it is doubtful if in one-tenth of the instances of intercourse they [women] experience the slightest pleasurable sensation from first to last.’ (Hammond, _Sexual Impotence_). “Lombroso and Ferrero consider that sexual sensibility ...

‘Woman is naturally and organically frigid....’ (Lombroso and Ferrero, _La Donna Deliquente, la Prostituta, e la Donna Normale_, 1893). Krafft-Ebing was of opinion that women require less sexual satisfaction than men, being less sensual.... ‘The sensuality of men,’ Moll states, ‘is in my opinion very much greater than that of women.’ “Adler, who discusses the direction at some length, decides that the sexual needs of women are less than those of men, though in some cases the orgasm in quantity and quality greatly exceeds that of men. He believes, not only that the sexual impulse in women is absolutely less than in men, and requires stronger stimulation to arouse it, but that also it suffers from a latency due to inhibition, which acts like a foreign body in the brain ... and demands great skill in the man who is to awaken the woman to love.” Here we have one side of the question--a side strangely at variance with ancient thought, romance and history. The supposed frigidity of women is characterised by Havelock Ellis as ‘an opinion of very recent growth ... confined, on the whole, to a few countries.’ (_Studies_, vol. He goes on to quote Brierre de Boismont, who wrote: ‘Turn to history, and on every page you will be able to recognise the predominance of erotic ideas in women.’ It is the same sexiest naked women selfshot pictures of sexy naked women fingering them selves ass pics in the world to-day, he adds, and he attributes it to the fact that men are more easily able to gratify their sexual impulses.

“The laws of Manu,” continues Havelock Ellis, “attribute to women concupiscence and anger, the love of bed and of adornment. The Jews hot naked girls taking pics with their cell phones attribute to women greater sexual desire than to men. This is illustrated, according to Knobel (as quoted by Dillman), by _Genesis_, chapter 3, verse 16.[70] [70] “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire _shall be to thy husband_, and he shall rule over thee.” “In Greek antiquity, ...

in love between men and women the latter were nearly always regarded as taking the more active part. In all Greek love-stories of early date the woman falls in love with the man, and never the reverse. ?schylus makes even a father assume that his daughters will misbehave if left to themselves. ‘The Euripidean woman who falls in love thinks first of all: “How can I seduce the man I love?”’ (E.F.M. Benecke: _Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry_, 1896). “The most famous passage in Latin literature as to the question of whether men or women obtain greater pleasure from sexual intercourse is that in which Ovid relates the moving pictures of naked women showing there pussy legend of Tiresias (_Metamorphoses_, 3, 317-333).

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