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It made her shudder again with excess of lust, and she exercised such a pressure upon it that I had some difficulty in withdrawing it. It was so snug and nice therein that was a great temptation to run a course in her cunt at once, but having the other object in view, and knowing that I wanted all its stiffness to succeed, I did summon up courage enough to withdraw; real teen nude amature then applying the very plenteous saliva in my mouth that gamahuching her real little naked nude had stimulated, I added it to the already moistened prick, and applying some to her bum-hole, and introducing a well-wetted real teen nude amature finger, I put the knob of my formidable prick to the realy drunk teens maddoxxx reserved to asian woman small and smiling orifice that lay before me. The disproportion struck me as so great that I dreaded success would be much too painful for her, but remembering the dimensions of what had come out of it, I boldly proceeded with the operation.

I got real teen nude amature in over the knob without making her flinch, but, as I proceded to push gently forward, and had got in about two inches, she cried— “Stop a little, Charlie, it feels so queer—I can’t bear it in further.” I stopped where I was, but slipping a hand under her, I applied my finger to her clitoris, holding her bottom tight against me with the other hand round her waist, so as not to lose ground. My agile finger soon worked her passions up, and I felt her bottom give convulsive twitches on my prick. I allowed her to become still more excited, and then gently pushing forward found I was slowly, and almost imperceptibly, gaining ground. My prick was then inserted real teen nude amature almost two-thirds of its length, when, thrusting rather too sharply, she again cried out, and, but for the arm that held her fast round the waist, would have unseated me. “Oh, Charlie, dear, do stop; it seems to choke me, and makes me feel so queer, that I thought I was going to faint.” “I shall lie quite still, now dear Lizzie. It is quite in”—this was a little bit of deception to calm her fears—“and when the pain of insertion passes, which will be the case in a minute, we shall have nothing but pleasure.” So I kept my prick just where he was, but redoubled my frigging her clitoris, and very soon brought her up to spending point, resolved that I would not attempt complete insertion until I felt she was in the raptures of sensual discharge. This quickly came upon her, and it was the delicious movement of her own buttocks that sheathed my prick to the hilt without an effort on my part, very young amateur boys with girls nude teen party and so far from giving her pain, made her positively scream with the intense voluptuousness of her sensation in spending. She could not speak for many minutes, but continued the exquisite pressures of the sphincter muscle on my enraptured prick. But for my determination not to give way, and rather to wait for another bout that would completely initiate dear Lizzie in all the luxury real teens shown pussy and abandon of this delicious mode, I must have at once vigorously finished my own course. The first words my beloved sister uttered were those of almost delirious joy at the extraordinary delight I had given her. She turned real teen nude amature up her lovely face to me, and tears of sensuality and voluptuousness filled her eyes. I had hardly begun my titillations on her still excited clitoris, which, by the way, had lately considerably developed itself, when she was as eager for another bout as I was. I held sufficient restraint on myself to practice every salacious movement, that I might give Lizzie such exquisite pleasure as should induce her on future occasions to grant me the use of her charming bottom-hole whenever I should desire. I worked her up to the utmost pitch of the most salacious excitement, and at the moment when she spent, in an agony of shrieking extasy, I poured a perfect flood of spunk right up into her entrails, and we both sank forward, but without unseating me, quite overpowered by the intensity of our delight. On withdrawing my prick I found a few traces of blood, but of no moment.

I wiped my prick on a handkerchief, and also wiped between the cheeks of dear Lizzie’s bottom, for fear any tell-tale marks should be made on her linen. I real teen nude amature then helped her up, and she threw her arms round my neck, and sweetly kissing me, thanked me for a new lesson in love, which had overwhelmed her with delight. Thus ended the first lesson that Lizzie ever received by that route of pleasure, and I may incidentally state that she was peculiarly constituted for giving and receiving the most exquisite pleasure in that way.

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