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There you have it to the ballocks in your lascivious and delicious cunt,” &c. She grew madly lewd, called me her own dear delightful fucker.

Your dear, great big prick, it kills me—kills—kills me—with—joy. oh!” She squealed again with all the lewdness of the most delicious spend.

She had hardly gone off, and was yet in all the throes of delight when I, too, feeling I could hold out no longer, suddenly withdrew the reeking shaft, and bringing it to bear against the corrugated and beautiful orifice of her bottom, attempted to introduce it. Notwithstanding the fury of my excitement, I was sufficiently gentle to push in without force, and sheathed it over the nut without difficulty or drawing a murmur from dear mamma, who fulfilled her promise, and did her utmost to help me by pushing out her big bum, and offering no resistance with her sphincter muscles. I was so highly wound up that even if I had promised to be content with the insertion of the head, I could not have gone on further, as the access seized me with such killing sweetness that I melted away, shooting a torrent of sperm far up into her entrails, and then losing all power of even the slightest further thrusts. I suppose it was the long holding back to let mamma spend two or three times that had wrought me up to such a high pitch of nervous excitement that when I spent I seemed to lose all power of further advance.

This was the first time I ever felt this momentary impuissance, but it was by no means the last; it generally follows the holding back your spending powers in the fuck that leads real little naked nude to it. The delicious throbbings of dear mamma’s luscious cunt, which were repeated in her arms, soon reawakened my momentarily dormant powers. My prick had gone down elizabeth mitchell naked pic more than usual, so that it was only a soft half stiffness that ensued, but enough to enable me to give it a forward movement, and it slipped almost imperceptibly in quite as far as he could real little naked nude go before dear mamma had recovered from the ecstasy of her last discharge. As she came to, I avatar the last airbender girls nude games continued convulsively catching my breath, as if I were still in that exquisite sensation of half consciousness. I felt her pass her hand between her thighs, and heard her murmur— “Why, I declare he is up to the hilt!” Her gentle touch on my cods, which she took in her hand and fondly caressed, made my prick stiffen sensibly. She felt this, and caressed them more until she made it stand as stiff as ever, still imbedded to the utmost in that delicious bottom, which by its increased throbbings, seemed rather to welcome the stranger than repulse him. I pretended now to recover my full consciousness, and cried out— “Oh, where am I?

I have never known such heavenly joy.” She raised her face up from the pillow— “Why, you naughty boy, you have actually gone in up to the hilt; ah, you have broken your promise; but I forgive you, only don’t move yet.” I assured her I did not know how it got there, as I had spent and lost consciousness as soon as ever his head was within. Here I throbbed, and was met by as delicious a pressure. I passed my hand round her belly, and found her clitoris stiff and excited. I rubbed with the fingers of the other hand at one of her hard projecting nipples.

She soon grew madly lewd, and began a side wriggle on my rampant prick. I lay still, determined to let her passions demand movement of my part. She begged me to try a gentle movement, I obeyed, and slowly withdrew but a short way, and as slowly returned. She begged me to draw out further and somewhat quicker—then quicker and quicker, until we both were in an excess of furious lust, which knew no bounds. We rushed on to the final crisis with mutual cries of agonised delight; indeed, mamma squealed so loud that I afterwards thought she must have been heard.

Her pleasure was of the wildest, and when I poured a flood of sperm up her entrails at the very moment she herself was spending, we both fell forward and fainted away. I was too much lost in ecstatic joy myself to observe this, but lay long a tightly held prisoner engulphed in that most exquisite joy-giving aperture. At last I became aware that mamma had real little naked nude really fainted. So drawing my prick out with somewhat real little naked nude of a good pull, for he was most tightly held, and came out with a flop, I rose and brought some water to mamma. I sprinkled her face, and she opened her eyes, which beamed the intensest love upon me. Her lips murmured something, I put the tumbler to very young amateur boys with girls nude teen party her mouth, she drank with avidity. Then looking at me again with the most loving expression, real little naked nude she said— “My darling boy, you will kill me with delight. It was too much for me, and I fear I am also injuring you.

Your last coup requires me to absent myself for a few minutes.” She rose, threw her robe over her shoulders, and left the room to go to the water closet. I hoped that she would not go into her own room and discover how matters were going on there. Fortunately she was afraid of real world babes naked awakening Ellen, and so prevent our continuing bedfellows for the rest of the night.

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