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When the merchant’s daughter perceived him, when she recognised that it was indeed he whose yard reached to his knees, she fell to asking her father and mother for their blessing on a union indissoluble. On the wedding night she went to bed with her diana zubiri nude uncensored husband, and perceived that he had but a little yard, smaller even than a finger. “Thou boastest ownership of a yard reaching to thy knees! What hast done with it?” “Dear wife, thou knowest that I was a bachelor, and very poor; when I resolved to marry, I had neither gold nor aught else to enable me so to do.

So I have pledged my yard.”[20] [20] Literally: “put it in pawn.” “And for what sum hast thou pledged thy yard?” “But for little--for fifty roubles.” “Good. On the morrow I will go seek my mother, I will beg money of her, and thou wilt go without fail to recover thy yard.

If thou dost not buy it back, enter not the house!” She waited until morn, then ran swiftly in search of her mother, saying: “Grant me a favour, little mother.

I have sore need of them.” “But tell me why thou hast need of them.” “See, little mother. When we desired to marry, he knew not where to find the money, the poor man, and he hath pledged his yard for fifty roubles. Now my husband hath but a tiny yard, even smaller than a finger. ‘Tis of the utmost necessity, therefore, to buy back his ancient yard.” The mother, understanding the need, drew fifty roubles from her purse, and gave them to her daughter. The latter returned diana zubiri nude uncensored to her home and gave the money to her husband, saying: “Go! Run now swiftly to buy back thine ancient yard, in order that strangers may not make use of it!” The young man took the money and went diana zubiri nude uncensored forth, eyes downcast. He went forward, now swiftly, now slowly, and at length he encountered an aged woman. Whither goest thou at this pace?” “Ah, good woman--would thou knewest--would thou didst know my sorrow--would I might tell thee whither I go!” “Tell me thy sorrow, little dove. Perchance I can come to thine aid.” “I am shamed to tell it thee.” “Fear not, have no shame. I had boasted of having a yard that reached to my knees; a merchant’s daughter, who had heard this, espoused me, but when she lay with me on our wedding night and perceived that I had but a little yard, smaller than a finger, she cried out and asked what I had done with my great yard.

I told her that I had pledged it for fifty roubles; she gave me the money and bade me buy it back without fail; otherwise, I might not show myself again at my home.

And I know not how to satisfy my little dove.” The aged woman made answer to him: “Give me thy money,” said she, “and I will find a remedy for thy sorrow.” Forthwith he drew the fifty roubles from his pocket and gave them to her; the aged woman handed to him a ring. “Put it only on thy finger nail.” The young man took the ring, and scarce had he put it on his finger nail ere his yard stretched itself a cubit’s length. “Doth thy yard reach to thy knees?” “Yea, good woman. It reacheth diana zubiri nude uncensored diana zubiri nude uncensored even below my knees.” “Now, my little dove, pass the ring down thy whole finger.” He passed the ring over his entire finger, and his yard lengthened out even unto seven versts.[21] [21] A verst would be about 1,170 yards.

It will bring me ill fortune with my wife.” “Thrust up the ring to thy finger nail; thy yard will diana zubiri nude uncensored be but a cubit’s span. This for thy guidance--pay attention and never put the ring beyond thy finger nail.” He thanked the aged woman, and retook the road homeward; and as he journeyed he rejoiced in that he need not appear before his wife with empty hands. Going aside, he seated himself not far from the road at the foot of a burdock, drew biscuits from his wallet, dipped them in water, and fell to eating. Anon, desire to slumber o’er-came him; he lay down, belly uppermost, and played with the ring. He put it upon his finger nail, and diana zubiri nude uncensored his yard rose to the height of a cubit’s span; he pressed his whole finger through the ring, and his yard rose to a height of seven versts; he removed the ring, and his yard became small as before.

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