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Said pussy leggings picture some: there is naught for it but to take a hatchet and cut the yard. For as soon as the yard is cut, the woman will fall and kill herself. ‘Tis better to pray to God that perchance by some miracle the old woman will disentangle herself from it. During this time the son-in-law awoke, and perceived that his ring had descended to the base of his finger, that his yard raised itself towards the sky to a height of seven versts, and that it nailed him solidly to the earth, in such wise that he could not turn upon his other side. He withdrew very softly the ring from his finger; his yard descended to the height of a cubit’s span; and the son-in-law saw his mother-in-law suspended upon it. “How camest thou there, little mother?” “Pardon, my little son-in-law.

I will not do it any more!” _VARIANT._ Once on a time a tailor possessed a magic ring; as soon as he put it upon his finger, his yard assumed an extraordinary development.

It fell out that he went to work at the house of a woman; by nature he was gay and given to jesting, and when he lay down to slumber he neglected always to cover his genitals. The woman observed that he had a yard of great proportions; desirous of sampling the power of such an instrument, she summoned the tailor to her chamber.

But only on one condition--that thou dost not fart! If thou dost fart, thou shalt pay me three hundred roubles.” “Very good,” answered she. They betook themselves to bed; the good woman took all possible precautions not to expel wind during the sexual act; she instructed her chambermaid to seek a large onion, to thrust this into her fundament, and to hold it there with both hands. These orders were carried out minutely, but at the first assault delivered by the tailor upon the woman, the onion was violently expelled and struck the chambermaid with such force that she was killed outright! The woman lost her three hundred roubles; the tailor pocketed this sum and hied him homeward. Having journeyed some distance, he felt a desire to slumber and lay down in a field. He placed the ring pussy pounding picture upon his finger and his yard stretched to the length of one verst. As he lay thus, slumber o’ertook him, and whilst he slept came seven starving wolves, which devoured the greater part of his yard.

He awoke as if naught had chanced,[23] took the ring from his finger, put it in his pocket, and pursued his way. [23] The _Kruptadia_ version says: “As if flies had just tickled his yard.” Came night, and the tailor entered the house of a peasant.

Now this peasant had married a young woman who had a liking for well-membered men. The guest went to sleep in the courtyard, leaving his yard exposed.

Perceiving it, the peasant’s wife felt a great desire; raising her robe, she coupled with the tailor. “Good,” quoth he to himself; and he placed the ring on his finger, and his yard rose little by little to the height of one verst.

But when the wife perceived herself so far from the earth, all desire to futter left her, and she clung with both hands to this strange support in mid-air. Beholding the peril that beset the wretched woman, her neighbours and relations fell to praying for the safety of both. But the tailor gently withdrew the ring from his finger; gradually the dimensions of his member decreased, and, when it reached but to a small height, the woman jumped to earth. “It had been thy death had they cut my yard.”[24] [24] The main theme of these foregoing _contes_--the yard which increases to gigantic proportions--is not confined to Russian folk-lore. 2: _Some Erotic Folk-Lore from Scotland_, we find the following:--A man and pussy pounding picture a woman were in each other’s embraces. His yard began to enlarge and enlarge and lift the woman. When she was nearly reaching the roof she exclaimed: “Farewell freens, farewell foes, For I’m awa’ pussy pounding picture to heaven On a pintel’s nose.” THE INSTRUMENT.[25] [25] _Kruptadia_: Heilbronn: Henninger Freres, 1884: _Breton Folk Lore_. Once on a time a youth, wishing to become a smith, quitted his village and hired himself as an apprentice to a farrier. His master was a busy man, all the beds in his house being filled by his workmen, and when evening came he was sore pressed to find sleeping quarters for his apprentice. Reflecting long, he thus finally pussy pounding picture argued:-- “In each bed are several persons; my daughter alone hath one to herself. His parents are good people, and I have known him from boyhood. There is no danger.” When these two were in bed together, the youth began denise boutte pussy pictures to caress the daughter, a maid nigh unto sixteen years, and since she did not repulse him, he lost no time in showing her how one makes love. The daughter found the business very much to her liking, and Pierre (for so the apprentice was pussy pounding picture named) gave her several lessons in this pretty game.

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