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It is true we had both had a delicious fuck during the time poor Lizzie was catching it on her backside, and I had just gamahuched her deliciously afterwards as Lizzie came in in such pain. Miss Frankland had retired to daughter breast feeding nude her room, and looked still flushed and somewhat wild looking when she joined us after the usual hour’s recreation. As may well be supposed, we were all as attentive as possible. There was one circumstance that evidently pleased Miss Frankland immensely. When Lizzie, in her turn, went up to repeat her lesson, she suddenly threw her arms round Miss Frankland’s neck, and with tears running over her cheeks, sobbed out— “Dear Miss Frankland, pray forgive me, and let me kiss you, for I love you dearly.” There was a bright sparkle of delight in Miss Frankland’s eyes.

She clasped Lizzie round the waist, and drew her to her lips in a long sweet kiss of love, which seemed as if it would never end. She at last put Lizzie away, and said she was a dear amiable girl, whom she could not help loving. “Go to your seat, you are too agitated, my dear, to say your lesson just now; so send Mary up.” Lizzie came back to her seat, but I could not help fancying I saw a complete expression of erotic desire on her countenance. When afterwards we were alone together, she told us daughter breast feeding nude that when the governess kissed her, she felt Miss F.’s tongue glide into her mouth, and “tip her the velvet” in a most delicious and exciting manner, and she believed that if they had been alone they must have given each other mutual embraces of a warmer description. This led me to think that Miss Frankland was herself rendered lecherous by the action of even wielding the rod. Lizzie during the whole of the next week did mother and daughter nude showering nothing but rave of the excessive excitement that her whipping had put her into, and the extreme felicity she felt in having her salacious lechery satisfied.

We were not able to meet every day, for frequently Miss Frankland accompanied us, and joined in the youthful sports we then gave way to.

Lizzie continuing to harp on the extraordinary enjoyment the whipping had daughter breast feeding nude procured her, after it was over, fired the imagination of Mary, until she was wound up to a pitch of actually longing to be whipped. In such a case it was easy to incur the penalty; she had but wilfully to neglect her studies, and she was sure to get it. This she accordingly did, and it resulted as before.

When released, she rushed to the summer house, and without any preliminaries, called upon me to fuck her directly; and a very similar scene followed to that which had occurred when dear Lizzie was whipped. Mary did not, however, give way to the uncontrollable desire to throw herself into Miss Frankland’s arms as Lizzie had done. Miss F., as usual, retired to her room after the punishment was over, and was late in coming down, with the same flushed face and excited eye. I became convinced that she herself was salaciously excited by the act, and I began to fancy that with such passions, if I could but excite her in any way, it might be worth my while.

When once these lecherous ideas were raised in my imagination, desire soon painted her with every charm daughter breast feeding nude of beauty, and I became excessively lewd and anxious to possess her.

The more I looked at and scanned the really beauteous proportions of her finely developed form, the more my determination to have her took root, and grew strong within me. About this time Miss Frankland, who had become a great favourite with mamma, obtained permission to take possession of the spare bedroom, with an understanding that she was to cede it to any visitor who might come. Of course, this circumstance made my desire to get into her good graces doubly strong, inasmuch as the opportunity daughter breast feeding nude of sleeping with her afterwards could be so easily effected.

I determined to watch her when retiring to bed, and try to get a view of her naked form.

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