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So he rose up with her, on this condition, and went with her to her own boudoir, that she might quench the lowe of her lust, saying: “There is no Majesty, and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! This is the fated decree of the All-powerful, the All-wise!” And he doffed his bag-trousers, shameful and abashed, with the tears running from his eyes from stress of affright. Thereat she smiled and making him mount upon a couch with her, said to him: “After this night, thou shalt see naught that will offend thee.” Then she turned to him bussing and bosoming him and bending calf over calf, and said to him: “Put thy hand between my thighs to the accustomed place; so haply it may stand up to prayer after prostration.” He wept and cried: “I am not good at aught of this.” But she said: “By my life, an thou do as I bid thee, it shall profit thee!” So he put out his hand, with vitals afire for confusion, and found her thighs cooler than cream and softer than silk. The touching of them pleasured him and he moved his hand hither and thither, till it came to a dome abounding in good gifts and movements and shifts, and said in himself: “Perhaps this King is an hermaphrodite,[67] neither man nor woman quite.” [67] Note by Sir Richard: Easterns still believe in what Westerns know to be an impossibility, human beings with the parts and proportions of both sexes equally developed and capable of reproduction; and Al-Islam even provides special rules for them. The old Greeks dreamed, after their fashion, a beautiful poetic dream of a human animal uniting the contradictory beauties of man and woman. The duality of the generative organs seems mature women teen women video porn an old Egyptian tradition; at least we find it in _Genesis_ (1.27), where the image of the Deity is created male mature women teen women video porn mature women teen women video porn and female, before man was formed out of the dust of the ground (2.7). The old tradition found its way to India (if the Hindus did not borrow the idea from the Greeks); and one of the forms of Mahadeva, the third person of their triad, is famous women porn stars nude entitled “Ardhanari” = the Half-Woman, which has suggested to them some charming pictures. Europeans, seeing the left breast conspicuously feminine, have indulged in silly surmises about the “Amazons.” So he said to her: “O King, I cannot find that thou hast a tool like the tools of men; what then moved thee to do this deed?” Then loudly laughed Queen Budur till she fell on her back,[68] and said: [68] Note by Sir Richard: This is a mere phrase for our “dying of laughter”: the queen was on her back. And mature women teen women video porn as Easterns sit on carpets, their falling mature women teen women video porn back is very different from the same movement off a chair.

“O my dearling, how quickly thou hast forgotten the nights we have lain together!” Then she made herself known to him, and he knew her for his wife, the Lady Budur, daughter mature women teen women video porn of King al-Ghayur, Lord of the Isles and the Seas. So he embraced her and she embraced him, and he kissed her and she kissed him; then they lay down on the bed of pleasure voluptuous.... * * * * * _Here we end our extract from the Tale of Kamar al-Zaman, although the story runs on for another forty odd pages in Sir Richard Burton’s translation. A situation similar to that just described occurs in another story in ‘The Nights,’ and we shall have occasion to quote from that in a subsequent volume._ _EXCURSUS_ to _THE TALE OF KAMAR AL-ZAMAN_. “We are told that in the East there was once a woman named Moarbeda who was a philosopher and considered to be the wisest woman of her time. When Moarbeda mature women teen women video porn was once asked: ‘In what part of a woman’s body does her mind reside?’ she replied: ‘Between her thighs.’”--Havelock Ellis: _Studies in the Psychology of Sex_, Vol.

3: _The Sexual Impulse in Women_.[69] [69] Havelock Ellis is quoting from _The Perfumed Garden of The Cheikh Nefzaoui_: Cosmopoli, 1886, printed for the Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. * * * * * The amativeness of woman, as compared with that of man, is a question, of course, entirely beyond the scope of this note.

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