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If you wish ampler information about him," said Gevingey, addressing Des Hermies, "question your friend Chantelouve." "Chantelouve!" cried Durtal. "Yes, he and his wife used to be quite intimate with Canon Docre, but I hope for their south sex nacked sakes that they have long since ceased to have south sex nacked dealings with the monster." Durtal listened no more. And he called her image before him, and thought that tomorrow night she would probably give herself to him.

Ah, those strange eyes of hers, those dark clouds suddenly cloven by radiant light! She came now and took complete possession of him, as before he had ascended to the tower. "But if I didn't love you would I have come to you?" That sentence which she had spoken, with a caressing inflection of the voice, he heard again, and again he saw her mocking and tender face.

"Ah, you are dreaming," said Des Hermies, tapping him on the shoulder.

It's striking ten." When they were in the street they said good night to Gevingey, who lived on the other side of the river. "Well," said Des Hermies, "are you interested in my astrologer?" "He is slightly mad, isn't he?" "Slightly? Humph." "Well, his stories are incredible." "Everything is incredible," said Des Hermies placidly, turning up the collar of his overcoat. "However, I will admit that Gevingey astounds me when he asserts that he was visited by a succubus. His good faith is not to be doubted, for I know him to be a man who means what he says, though he is vain and doctorial. I know, too, that at La Salpetriere such occurrences are not rare. Women smitten with hystero-epilepsy see phantoms beside them in broad daylight and mate with them in a cataleptic state, and every night couch with visions that must be exactly like the fluid creatures of incubacy. But these women are hystero-epileptics, and Gevingey isn't, for I am his physician. The materialists have taken the trouble to revise the accounts of the sorcery trials of old.

They have found in the possession-cases of the Ursulines of Loudun and the nuns of Poitiers, in the history, even, of the convulsionists of Saint Medard, the symptoms of major hysteria, the same contractions of the whole system, the same muscular dissolutions, the same lethargies, even, finally, the famous arc of the circle. And what does this demonstrate, that these demonomaniacs were hystero-epileptics? Richet, expert in such matters, are conclusive, but wherein do they invalidate possession? From the fact that the patients of La Salpetriere are not possessed, though they are hysterical, does it follow that others, smitten with the same malady as they, are not possessed? It would have to be demonstrated also that all demonopathics are hysterical, and that is false, for there are women of sound mind and perfectly good sense who are demonopathic without knowing it. And admitting that the last point is controvertible, there remains this unanswerable question: is a woman possessed because she is hysterical, or is she hysterical because she is possessed? "No, come to think it over, the effrontery of the positivists is appalling. They lay everything at the account of major hysteria, and they don't even know what this frightful malady is and what are its causes.

No doubt Charcot determines very well the phases of the attack, notes the nonsensical and passional attitudes, the contortionistic movements; he discovers hysterogenic zones and can, by skilfully south korean sex manipulating the ovaries, arrest or accelerate the crises, but as for foreseeing them and learning the sources and the motives and curing them, that'south sex nacked s another thing. Science goes all to pieces on the question of this inexplicable, stupefying malady, which, consequently, is subject to the most diversified interpretations, not one of which can be declared exact. For the soul enters into this, the soul in conflict with the body, the soul overthrown in the demoralization of the nerves. You see, old man, all this is as dark as a bottle of ink. Mystery is everywhere and reason cannot see its way." "Mmmm," said Durtal, who was now in front of his door. "Since anything can be maintained and nothing is certain, succubacy has it. Basically it is more literary--and cleaner--than positivism." CHAPTER X The day was long and hard to kill. Chantelouve, he could not stay in one place, and kept inventing excuses for going out. He had no cakes, bonbons, and exotic boy kissing a beautiful and sexy nude girl liqueurs, and one must not be without all the little essentials when expecting a visit from a woman. He went by the longest route to the avenue de l'Opera to buy fine essences of cedar and of that alkermes which south sex nacked makes the person tasting it think he is in an Oriental pharmaceutic laboratory. "The idea is," he said, "not so much to treat Hyacinthe as to astound her by giving her a sip of an unknown elixir." He came back laden with packages, then went out again, and south sex nacked in the street was assailed by an immense ennui. After an interminable tour of the quays he finally tumbled into a beer hall. What was he thinking as he sat, not reading but just looking at the police news? From having revolved the same matter over and over again and again his mind had reached a deadlock and refused to function. Durtal merely found himself very tired, very drowsy, as one in a warm bath after south sex nacked a night of travel. "I must go home pretty soon," he said when he could collect himself a little, "south sex nacked for Pere Rateau certainly has not cleaned house in the thorough fashion which I commanded, and of course I don't want the furniture to be covered with dust.

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