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And beyond that again, in the wide rolling regions of the castles, smoke waved against steam, and patch after patch of raw reddish brick showed the newer mining settlements, sometimes in the hollows, sometimes gruesomely ugly along the skyline of the slopes. And between, in between, were the tattered remnants of the old coaching and cottage England, even the England of Robin Hood, where the miners prowled with the dismalness of suppressed sporting instincts, when they were not at work. The stately homes of England make good photographs, and create the illusion of a connection with the Elizabethans. The handsome old halls are there, from the days of Good Queen Anne and Tom Jones. But smuts free online girls stripping to nude photos gallery fall and blacken on the drab stucco, that has long ceased to be golden. And one by one, like the stately homes, they are abandoned.

As for the cottages of England--there they are--great plasterings of brick dwellings on the hopeless countryside. Now they are pulling down the stately homes, the Georgian halls are going. Fritchley, a perfect old Georgian mansion, was even now, as Connie passed in the car, being demolished.

It was in perfect repair: till the war the Weatherleys had lived in style there. But now it was too big, too expensive, and the country had become too uncongenial. The gentry were departing to pleasanter places, where they could spend their money without having to see how it was made. Now they were blotting them out, as they had already blotted out the cottages. The industrial England blots out the agricultural England. Connie, belonging to the leisured classes, had clung to the remnants of the old England. It had taken her years to realise that it was really blotted out by this terrifying new and gruesome England, and that the blotting out would go on till it was complete. Fritchley was gone, Eastwood was gone, Shipley was going: Squire Winter's beloved Shipley. The park gates at the back, opened just near the level crossing of the colliery railway; the Shipley colliery itself stood just beyond the trees. The gates stood open, because through the park was a right-of-way that the colliers used. The car passed the ornamental ponds, in which the colliers threw their newspapers, and took the private drive to the house. It stood above, aside, a very pleasant stucco building from the middle of lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay the eighteenth century.

It had a beautiful alley of yew trees, that had approached an older house, and the hall stood serenely spread out, winking its Georgian panes as if cheerfully. It was much lighter, lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay more alive, shapen and elegant. The rooms were panelled with creamy-painted panelling, the ceilings were touched xxx video clips free download venezuela sexy girls with gilt, and everything was kept in exquisite order, all the appointments were perfect, regardless of expense. Even the corridors managed to be ample and lovely, softly curved and full of life. But his park was bordered by three of his own collieries. So, when he saw the gangs of unshapely men lunging by his ornamental waters--not on the _private_ part of the park, no, he drew the line there--he would say: real free petite messy teen xxx fuck suck pictures "the miners are perhaps not so ornamental as deer, but they are far more profitable." But that was in the golden--monetarily--latter half of Queen Victoria's reign. Miners were then "good working men." Winter had made this speech, half apologetic, to his guest, the then Prince of Wales. And the Prince had replied, in his rather guttural English: "You are quite right.

If there were coal under lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay Sandringham, I would open a mine on the lawns, and think it first-rate landscape gardening. Oh, I am quite willing to exchange roe-deer for colliers, at the price. Your men are good men too, I hear." But then, the Prince had perhaps an exaggerated idea of the beauty of money, and the lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay blessings of industrialism. However, the Prince had been a King, and the King had died, and now there was another King, whose chief function seemed to lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay be, to open soup-kitchens. And the good working men were somehow hemming Shipley in. New mining villages crowded on the park, and the squire felt somehow that the population was alien. He used to feel, in a good-natured but quite grand way, lord of his own domain and of his own colliers. Now, by a subtle pervasion of the new spirit, he had somehow been pushed out.

The mines, the industry had a will of its own, and lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay this will was against the gentleman-owner.

All the colliers took part in the will, and it was hard to live up against it. It either shoved you out of the place, or out of life altogether. But he no longer cared to walk in the park after dinner. Once he had walked, bare-headed, and in his patent-leather shoes and purple silk socks, with Connie down to the gate, talking lindsay interracial real homemade free pornlindsay to her in his well-bred rather haw-haw fashion.

But when it came to passing the little gangs of colliers who stood and stared without either salute or anything else, Connie felt how the lean, well-bred old man winced, winced as an elegant antelope stag in a cage winces from the vulgar stare.

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