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Rachael ray poses nude

Lucille,” said the superior, “I thought the caution I gave you on your arrival, would at least have saved you from trouble for some time, and spared me the pain of inflicting personal correction on you so soon after your entry into our seminary, but I am afraid your papa must have had serious cause for wishing me to be severe with you; now what have you been saying to your fellow pupil the Mdlle.

Olive; did you remark, ‘that the food was not fit for a dog, much less schoolgirls’?” I looked down in confusion, “Ah, I see,” she continued, “you cannot deny it; well Lucille, I hope soon to convince you that our bill of fare is both wholesome and proper for the pupils, I shall give you one dozen cuts with the rod, and then let you off if you promise not to offend in the same way again.” The nun who was called Serena, now placed a long stool in the middle of the apartment, and made me lie on it full length face downwards, then I felt her cold busy hands as they turned up my clothes, and opened my drawers behind, till my bottom was left naked rachael ray poses nude to the attack of the Lady Superior.

Lucille,” she asked sternly, “consider that our fare of bread and porridge three times a day, and meat or soup twice a week, added for dinner is only fit for a dog? Ha!” she went on, cutting me slowly and severely at every few words, “This will give you a better appetite; how do you like birch sauce, Miss Dainty Mouth?” I screamed with the pain, and plunged about so that Sister Serena had to hold me down with all her weight upon my shoulders.

“Forgive me, oh, forgive me this time, I won’t speak to Olive again!” I gasped out as the heavy woman almost stopped my breath, but at last it was over, and after kissing the rod and making me look at rachael ray poses nude the blood-stained weals on my bottom, they sent me away with a caution how I spoke about that or anything else I might see done in the convent. I longed to rachael ray poses nude have my revenge on the deceitful Olive, but knew not where to turn for a confidant, they all perhaps would be equally treacherous. I stuck to my lessons and avoided punishment as much as possible, being assured that the longer I brooded on my revenge the more complete it would be in the end, at the same time I thoroughly studied every part of the building to which I was allowed access, in the hope I might some day find it very useful if I wanted to effect my escape. The nuns I believe slept in dormitories, where there were a dozen or rachael ray poses nude more together, but every pupil had a very small room to herself, mine was in a long corridor, and Olive’s three or four doors from mine, there were neither locks or bolts to any door, as the Lady Superior rachael ray poses nude rachael ray poses nude and elder sisters were supposed to take frequent peeps at us in our sleep; I had at last matured my plan, and having everything in readiness, one dark night when there rachael ray poses nude was not even a glimpse of moonlight, I patiently watched till some of the principals had paid the accustomed visit, and heard the cracked voice of an old nun say, “fast asleep,” as I feigned to be in a deep slumber.

Soon their footsteps died away in the corridor, and after waiting some time, till I felt sure every pupil must be again asleep, if the going round should have awakened them, I crept out of bed, and providing myself with some pins and a strong piece of cord, was soon at the bedside of the treacherous girl I wanted to serve out; my first act was to quietly pass my cord around her, outside the small bed, so that I could suddenly draw it tight and secure her a helpless victim in my power then suddenly stuffing the bedclothes into her mouth before she could scream out, ordered her in a rough whisper to keep quiet or I would kill her; it was too dark to see her terrified face, but she shuddered all over, and seemed as if her very blood was chilled, so cold did she seem to my touch. Taking advantage of her fright, hands and feet were instantly tied so that she was spread out in a helpless fashion; I made her own handkerchief, which I happened to get hold of, into a gag, and at the same time could feel the drops of cold sweat upon her temples.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.