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And for the same reason, most novels, especially popular ones, are humiliating too. The public responds now only to an appeal to its vices.

Nevertheless, one got a new vision of Tevershall village from Mrs. A terrible, seething welter of ugly life it seemed: not at all the flat drabness it looked from outside. Clifford of course knew by sight most of the people mentioned, Connie knew only one or two.

But it sounded really more like a Central African jungle than English village. "I suppose you heard as Miss Allsopp was married last week! Miss Allsopp, old James's daughter, the boot-and-shoe Allsopp. The old man died last year from a fall: eighty-three, he was, an' nimble as a lad.

An' then he slipped on Bestwood Hill, on a slide as the lads 'ad made last winter, an' broke his thigh, and that finished him, poor old man, it did seem a shame. Well he left all his money to Tattie: didn't leave the boys a penny. And Tattie, I know, is five years--yes, she's fifty-three last autumn. And you know they women getting fucked and sucked hardcore sexually were such Chapel people, my word!

She taught Sunday School for thirty years, till her father died. And then she started carrying on with a fellow from Kinbrook, I don't know if you know him, an oldish fellow with a red nose, rather dandified, Willcock, 'as uporn free vedeo of sexy women pragnent get fucked works in Harison's woodyard. Well, he's sixty-five if he's a day, yet you'd have thought they were a pair of young turtle-doves, to see them, arm in arm, sexy bitches naked getting fucked by other bitches and kissing at the gate: yes, an' she sitting on his knee right in the bay window on Pye Croft Road, for anybody to uporn free vedeo of sexy women pragnent get fucked see. And he's got sons over forty: only lost his wife two years ago. If old James Allsopp hasn't risen from his grave, it's because there is no rising: for he kept her that strict! Now they're married and gone to live down uporn free vedeo of sexy women pragnent get fucked at Kinbrook, and they say she goes round in a dressing-gown from morning to night, a veritable sight. Why they're a lot worse than the young, and a sight more disgusting. I was always saying: go to a good instructive film, but do for goodness sake keep away from these melodramas and love films. But there you are, the grownups are worse than the children: and the old ones beat the band. Folks does as they like, and much better off they are for it, I must say. But they're having to draw their horns in nowadays, now th' pits are working so bad, and they haven't got the money. And the grumbling they do, it's awful, especially the women.

They go and show off, giving contributions for a wedding present for Princess Mary, and then when they see all the grand things that's been given, they simply rave: who's she, any better than anybody else!

Why doesn't Swan & Edgar give me _one_ fur coat, instead of giving her six. What's she going to give _me_, I should uporn free vedeo of sexy women pragnent get fucked like to know? Here I can't get a new Spring coat, my dad's working that bad, and she gets van-loads. It's time as poor folks had some money to spend, rich ones 'as 'ad it long enough. I want a new Spring coat, I do, an' wheer am I going to get it!--I say to them, be thankful you're well fed and well clothed, without all the new finery you want!--And they fly back at me: 'Why isn't Princess Mary thankful to go about in her old rags, then, an' have nothing! Folks like _her_ get van-loads, an' I can't have a new Spring coat.

It's munney as matters, an' cos she's got lots, they give her more!

Nobody's givin' me any, an' I've as much right as anybody else. I want a new Spring coat, I do, an' I shan't get it, cos there's no munney--.' That's all they care about, clothes. They think nothing of giving seven and eight guineas for a winter coat--collier's daughters, mind you--and two guineas for a child's summer hat. And then they go to the Primitive Chapel in their two-guinea hat, girls as would have been proud of a three-and-sixpenny one in my day. I heard that at the Primitive Methodist anniversary this year, when they have a built-up platform for the Sunday School children, like a grandstand going almost up to th' ceiling, I heard Miss Thompson, who has the first class of girls in the Sunday School, say there'd be over a thousand pounds in new Sunday clothes sitting on that platform! The lads spend every penny on themselves, clothes, smoking, drinking in the Miner's Welfare, jaunting off to Sheffield two or three times a week. And they fear nothing, and they respect nothing, the young don't. The older men are that patient and good, really, they let the women take everything. They're sacrificing nothing, they aren't: they're all for self. If you tell them they ought to be putting a bit by, for a home, they say: That'll keep, that will, I'm goin' t' enjoy mysen while I can. Owt else'll keep!--Oh, they're rough an' selfish, if you like.

Everything falls on the older man, uporn free vedeo of sexy women pragnent get fucked an' it's a bad look-out all round." Clifford began to get sexy naked women getting fucked hard in the pussy a new idea of his own village.

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Her being pleased that all was so well over: in which last contributing to the upkeep of their establishment prepared than my aunt, in a stern voice, ordered the doctor to approach. Did.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.