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I asked if she had bathed it in warm water and put beautifull porn sexy many boye with a girl glycerine up. “Oh, yes.” At first it smarted, but before going to church, she had done it three times, and no longer felt any pain, but still was afraid of my finger going up. “Now, pull up escort girl sexy nord italia your petticoats well, and lie down on me, while I do the same with this charming little cunt; my tongue can only give it the utmost pleasure.” She herself was now so much excited that she was ready enough to comply with my desires. She got upon me, her petticoats well canted over her back. She glued her lips to my prick, and sucked and frigged it with an energy that proved how highly her passions were fired. Her cunt was already in a foam of spendings, which I first licked up. Then sucking her tiny clitoris, stiffly projecting slightly out, I thrust my middle finger up her cunt, and by the wriggling of her backside, saw how much she enjoyed it.

Introducing a second finger to moisten it, I withdrew both, and, turning escort girl sexy nord italia my hand sideways, made each finger enter a separate aperture.

She was already nearly in the grand crisis; it came upon her before I was ready. She poured a greater discharge into my mouth than I thought the young thing could have spent. It took her breath away, and she released her suction of my prick for a minute.

But on my begging her to continue sucking, she did so with increased energy, and I poured out a torrent of sperm that sexy young naked italian lesbian girls fuck photos shot down her throat and nearly choked her, but the dear girl never let go for all that, and sucked away until not only was there not a drop left, but by her delicious titillations she had brought my prick up to its utmost vigour again. She wanted to renew the sport in this way again, but I begged her to allow me to rub the head of my prick up and down between the well-moistened lips of her cunt, and then to spend with the point, or at most the head, within it. She escort girl sexy nord italia asked if she could trust me to stop if it hurt her. “Of course, my darling,” I said, “nothing shall be done, or rather everything shall cease the moment you tell me to stop.” Half afraid, yet wishing to try, she changed her position to a kneeling one. I canted her petticoats well over her back, and first cute sexy girls from el paso kissing and handling her hard and plump buttocks, which promised a future perfection, I stooped and again licked her charming pouting cunt with all its budding fair young curls. Then applying my surcharged mouthful of saliva to my already well-moistened prick, I lubricated it completely from point to root, and then applied it to the half-opened lips. Rubbing it up and down here, and over the clitoris, I excited her to the greatest pitch. Charlie dear,” escort girl sexy nord italia she cried, “try if its head will go in now, and I will try to bear it.” I was only too glad of the permission, and very rapidly got it in over the nut, but it was very tight. I drew it half out again, and then, on repeating this five or six times, found I was imperceptibly gaining ground. Try on, gently.” I did so, and had got rather more than half way in when she went off in an agony of delight, deliciously pouring her warm liquid over my enchanted prick, giving, at the same time, such a push backwards, which, meeting a firm, though gentle forward movement on my part, joined with the natural relaxation following her discharge, drove me up to the hilt in the very tightest little cunt it has ever been my good fortune to sheath myself in. I seemed to fill every cranny, and to have stretched every part to its utmost distention. My aunt with her great cunt had a power of pressure that seemed almost to nip off your prick, Miss Frankland, too, was great in that way.

But this was more like a very well made first-rate kid glove, two sizes too small for your fingers, yet giving way without bursting, and fitting every irregularity of the nail or finger; just so her little cunt fitted my prick exactly like a glove, and it was truly most ecstatic. A gentle withdrawing, and then as gentle resheathing, so excited me that I shot a torrent of sperm up into her very womb. She gave quite a cry of ecstasy, and I could feel the tight sheath exercising a running movement along the whole length sexy teen tranny girlfriend sexy teen tranny naked of my prick, and still more tightly closing all round it—if that were possible. It was so exquisitely delicious that both of us were almost instantly in readiness for another course. “Oh, yes, my dear, do you think you could have taken any more?” “escort girl sexy nord italia Oh, no, it appears to fill me to bursting, and to be up to my very heart.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.