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I sucked his prick until it stood, and then told him he must give me the pleasures of the middle, which he was so highly praising as the utmost exquisite enjoyment he had ever experienced. I entered her delicious cunt in the first bout, and I quickly housed Carl’s prick in my arse. We ran an exquisite course, and then a second with only a change of my prick to Florence’s arse instead of cunt. Carl was after this obliged to leave us, as the morning was getting on. I sent him away the happiest of men by telling him as long as he placed his arse at my disposal, he should have my wife always at the same time. Thus we had secured another fine prick to our general orgies. We told the Grandvits of our fortunate _trouvaille_. Monsieur made some difficulty about his being a servant, and the fear of discovery of our orgies through his indiscretion; sophie simm nude but hearing that he was much superior to a servant he consented to his introduction.

After they had seen and admired him, they expressed their extreme satisfaction at the result of his joining us—for both Madame and Grandvit loved to have him into all their orifices. We could now fuck both women at once, and the double sophie simm nude pleasure could be given to either sex without there being any outsider. Every third night they slept in our sophie simm nude hotel, and that night we never ceased conjunctions in every variety, with pauses for refreshment, purification, pleasant bawdy talk, fun, and frolic. For a month longer this delicious existence lasted, and then it was time for us to proceed southward.

We parted from the Grandvits with much regret, but promised to return in the spring and visit them at their country house. I may here add that we did so, and enjoyed our visit to the utmost; and, in the second year of our absence, they accompanied us into Germany, where at last we left dear Carl. He had begged us to let him go as my valet with us to Italy. His sophie simm nude intended stay in Paris was within a month of its termination; he wrote to his father that the opportunity of travelling through Italy under the offer we had made was too advantageous to be lost. His father consented, and thus for eighteen months he was our constant companion and participator in all our lascivious conjunctions. Carl accompanied us to London on our first return home, and resided with us for three months.

I told the Benson and the Egerton of our good fortune in discovering him, and the exquisite addition to our party of us and the De Grandvits he had been. They were instantly alive to the delight of possessing him. I had continued the occupation of my chambers in the Temple, in which Harry Dale still resided; it was there we erected our altar to the Apostrophian Venus, and held our orgies. Carl delighted our old friends, who were never tired of having him one way or another, while Harry or I administered to the _double jouissance_. A new prick to a woman is like a fresh cunt to a man, and for the time gives additional zest to the lust which rages in us. So it is with the darling Benson and the lovely Egerton. They knew they could only have him but a short time, and they made the most of him. My beloved wife, with that kindly consideration for everyone which distinguished her, quite abandoned Carl to these two dear insatiable cunts, and contented herself with presiding over our orgies, sophie simm nude dictating new and exciting poses to our two friends, leaving Carl and me to their embraces, and consoling herself with a fuck now and then from Harry Dale, when we two were simply fucking each his dame.

She told them, “I can have Carl and Charlie whenever I like at home, so must leave them to you for the three months that Carl can only give us.” We met thrice a week. My wife used to drive to the dear creatures and take them up, the husbands being much gratified at the affection shown by my wife to them, and never having the slightest suspicion of the object my wife had in taking them out. As to our own servants they knew the chambers belonged to their master, and they knew we lunched there, but they never imagined their mistress would take ladies to share in their master’s embraces.

So that we carried on our intrigue in perfect safety and impunity. It was a sad day when we left with Carl, who never again returned to England. Our darling companions had become much attached to him, and parted with close embraces, and with bitter tears bade him adieu. We parted from him at Frankfort, where his father, retiring to a country life, left him proprietor of a capital hotel, to which in after-years we often resorted when going to and from the German spas, and always stayed some days to renew the orgies we all so loved. His love for my adored wife’s cunt endured for ten or twelve years, when an advantageous marriage softened it, perhaps more through the jealousy of his wife who, suspecting, caused us to desist from using his hotel. He had also got a family of a boy and two girls growing up, which completely ended our acquaintance. To return to the time of our conducting him to Frankfort with the Grandvits, they afterwards accompanied us in a tour in Switzerland, but left us at Sion, when we turned our steps across the Simplon to Italy.

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