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She took the hint, though she had no idea of the object. This induced Miss Frankland to play with more caution and thought, and she won three games in succession, making her the final winner. Mamma now said I must go to bed, as it was very late for me. I, however, had gained my object in obtaining nearly two hours’ delay in going to bed, so that I had not long to wait before I heard Miss Frankland enter her room. I determined to let her finish her toilet before I called her attention to me. I watched through my peephole, and could now calmly and leisurely see all the beauties of her well-developed form, and the rich wealth of hair she possessed. I observed she also used a syringe to thoroughly purify the inside of her glorious cunt. When she had dried herself, and was about to pull on her chemise, I rapped on the door of communication, and in a loud whisper called her attention cute blonde teen porn queens cute blonde teen porn queens to me. “Are you there, Charlie?” “Yes, pray unlock the door and open it, that I may come to you.” She actually had not yet discovered that the door, locked and bolted on her side, face fucked black teens porn communicated with my bedroom, but her delight at the discovery was greater than her surprise. I flew into her arms, and uncensored teen penis going into vigina porn gifs was hugged to her bosom, and covered with kisses. But as my prick was in a bursting state of erection, I drew her to the bed, upon which we both threw ourselves, she on her back, and I above, and cute blonde teen porn queens in an instant I was engulphed up to the cods in her glorious and glowing cunt, and we ran an eager course of rapturous thrustings, until nature could stand no more, and we sank in all the delights of a most delicious mutual spend. I lay soaking in bliss for some time, and after fondling each other, Miss Frankland said—, “Get up, dear Charlie, and let us get into bed.” For we had been in too great haste to do otherwise than tumble on the top to it. My charming bedfellow also rose for a necessary purpose, which I had interrupted when I knocked at the door. She sat down on the _pot de chambre_, and a mighty rush of water followed. I cried— “Oh, do cute blonde teen porn queens cute petite teen girls naked let me see you piddle from your beautiful fanny.” I still kept up my character of innocence, and used none but infantine words in reference to our organs of generation. She laughed, but pulled up her shift, and raised her thighs above the pot, so advancing the light, I had the delicious sight of her wide-stretched cunt, pouring out a stream of piddle with great force. Her position brought out all the beauties of the vast wide-spread mass of black curly hair that thickly covered all the lower part of her magnificent quim, ran down each thigh, up between her buttocks, and opening out on her back, had two bunches just below the two beautiful dimples that were so charmingly developed below her waist. There was as much hair there as most women have on their mons Veneris. Her whole cute blonde teen porn queens body had fine straight silky hair on cute blonde teen porn queens it, very thick on the shoulders, arms and legs, with a beautiful creamy skin showing below. She was the hairiest woman I ever saw, which, doubtless, arose from or was the cause of her extraordinary lustful and luxurious temperament. The sight I was indulging in brought out my pego in full bloom; as we both rose she saw it sticking out under my shirt. “Off with all that, and let me gaze on your charming young perfections.” I did as she desired, begged her to do the same, and there she stood, in all the glory of her superb form. We encircled each other’s naked bodies, and then turned each other round to gaze on all the exciting charms displayed to each other.

“Come, my darling boy, and let me kiss and fondle you all over.” She laid me on my back, reversed herself above me, and taking my prick in her mouth, after first feeling it most gently, and praising its large proportions, again declaring it was the finest she had ever seen, she began to gamahuche me with a skill such as I had never before experienced, and gave me the most exquisite and most luxurious delight.

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