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The second question is whether the demon who copulates with the mother or the man whose semen has been taken is the father of the child. To which Saint Thomas answers, with more or less subtle arguments, that the real father is not the incubus but the man." "For Sinistrari d'Ameno," observed Durtal, "the incubi and succubi are not precisely demons, but animal spirits, intermediate between the demon and the angel, a sort of satyr or faun, such as were revered in the time of paganism, a sort of imp, such as were exorcised in the Middle Ages. Sinistrari adds that they do not need to pollute a sleeping man, since they possess genitals and are endowed with prolificacy." "Well, there is nothing further," said Gevingey. "Gorres, so learned, so precise, in his _Mystik_ passes rapidly over this question, even neglects it, and the anal sex with young women in odd positions Church, you know, is completely silent, for the Church does not like to treat this subject and views askance the priest who does occupy himself with it." "I beg your redhead mandy anal sex pardon," said Carhaix, always ready to defend the Church. "The Church has never hesitated to declare itself on this detestable subject. The existence of succubi and incubi is certified by Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas, Saint Bonaventure, Denys le Chartreux, Pope Innocent VIII, and how many others!

The question is resolutely settled for every redhead mandy anal sex Catholic. It also figures in the lives of some of the saints, if I am not mistaken. Yes, in the legend of Saint Hippolyte, Jacques de Voragine tells how a priest, tempted by a naked succubus, cast his stole at its head and it suddenly became the corpse of some dead woman whom the Devil had animated to seduce him." "Yes," said Gevingey, whose eyes twinkled. But let me speak, and you will see that my observations are not uncalled for. "You know very well, messieurs," addressing Des redhead mandy anal sex redhead mandy anal download free having sex anal sex close up sex Hermies and Durtal, "what the books teach, but within a hundred years everything has changed, and if the facts I am are unknown to the many members of the clergy, and you will not find them cited in any book whatever. "At present it is less frequently demons than bodies raised from the dead which fill the indispensable role of incubus and succubus. In other words, formerly the living being subject to succubacy was known to be possessed.

Now that vampirism, by the evocation of the dead, is joined to demonism, the victim is worse than possessed.

Either it must keep silent or reveal the possibility of the evocation of the dead, already forbidden by Moses, and this admission was dangerous, for it popularized the knowledge of acts that are easier to produce now than formerly, since without knowing it Spiritism has traced the way. And Rome is not unaware of the frightful advance incubacy has made in the cloisters in our days." "That proves that continence is hard to bear in solitude," said Des Hermies.

"It merely proves that the soul is feeble and that people have forgotten how to pray," said Carhaix. "However that moving images of hardcore anal sex may be, messieurs, to instruct you completely in this matter, I must divide the creatures smitten with incubacy or succubacy into two classes. The first is composed fucking gourps anal photo sexy youngs porn bad xxx of persons who have directly and voluntarily given themselves over to the demoniac action of the spirits. These persons are quite rare and they all die by suicide or some other form of violent death. The second is composed of persons on whom the visitation of spirits has been imposed by a spell. These are very numerous, especially in the convents dominated by the demoniac societies. The doctors and the majority of the priests do not know the cause of their madness, but the cases are curable. A thaumaturge of my acquaintance has saved a good many of the bewitched who without his aid would be howling under hydrotherapeutic douches. There are certain fumigations, certain exsufflations, certain commandments written on a sheet of virgin parchment thrice blessed and worn like an amulet which almost always succeed in delivering the patient." "I want to ask you," said Des Hermies, "does a woman receive the visit redhead mandy anal sex of the incubus while she is asleep or while she is awake?" "A distinction must be made. If the woman is not the victim of a spell, redhead mandy anal sex if she voluntarily consorts with the impure spirit, she is always awake when the carnal act takes place. If, on the other hand, the woman is the victim of sorcery, the sin is committed either while she is asleep or while she is awake, but in the latter case she is in a cataleptic state which prevents her from defending herself.

The most powerful of present-day exorcists, the man who has gone most thoroughly into this matter, one Johannes, Doctor of Theology, told me that he had saved nuns who had been ridden without respite for two, three, even four days by incubi!" "I know that priest," remarked Des Hermies. "And the act is consummated in the same manner as the normal human act?" "Yes and no. Here the dirtiness of the redhead mandy anal sex details makes me hesitate," said Gevingey, becoming slightly red.

Know, then, that the organ of the incubus is bifurcated and at the same time penetrates both vases.

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