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Squirter stories

Squirter stories

He published several historical works, but soon gave up his academic career to devote himself wholly to literature. For a number of years he edited the international review, _Auf der Hohe_, at Leipzig, but later removed to Paris, for he was always strongly Francophile.

His last years he spent at Lindheim in Hesse, Germany, where he died on March 9, 1895.

In 1873 he married Aurora von Rumelin, who wrote a number of novels under the pseudonym of Wanda von Dunajew, which it is interesting to note is the name of the heroine squirter stories of _Venus in Furs_. Her sensational memoirs which have been the cause of considerable controversy were published in 1906.

During his career as writer an endless number of works poured from Sacher-Masoch’s pen.

Many of these were works of ephemeral journalism, and some of them unfortunately pure sensationalism, for economic necessity forced him to turn his pen to unworthy ends. There is, however, a residue among his works which has a distinct literary and even greater psychological value. His principal literary ambition was never completely fulfilled. It squirter stories was a somewhat programmatic plan to give a picture of contemporary life in all its various aspects and interrelations under the general title of the _Heritage of Cain_. This idea was probably derived from Balzac’s _Comedie Humaine_. The whole was to be divided into six subdivisions with the general titles _Love, squirter stories Property, Money, The State, War,_ and _Death_.

Each of these divisions in its turn consisted of six novels, of which the last was intended to summarize the author’s squirter stories conclusions and these threesomes pantyhose sex stories kinky girl to pussy lsucking stories present his solution for the problems set in the others.

This squirter stories extensive plan remained unachieved, and only the first two parts, _Love_ and _Property_, were completed. The present novel, _Venus in Furs_, forms the fifth in the series, _Love_. The best of Sacher-Masoch’s work is characterized by a swift narration and a graphic representation of character and scene and a rich humor.

The latter has made many of his shorter stories dealing with his native Galicia little masterpieces of local color. There is, however, another element in his work which has caused his name to become as eponym for an entire series of phenomena at one end of the psycho-sexual scale. This gives squirter stories his productions a peculiar psychological value, though it cannot be denied also a morbid tinge that makes them often repellent. However, it is well to remember that nature is neither good nor bad, neither altruistic nor egoistic, and that it operates through the human psyche as well as through crystals and plants and animals with the same inexorable laws. Sacher-Masoch was the poet of the anomaly now generally known as _masochism_.

By this is meant the desire on the part squirter stories of the individual affected of desiring himself completely and unconditionally subject to the will of a person of the opposite sex, and being treated by this person as by a master, to be humiliated, abused, and tormented, even to the verge of death. This motive is treated in all its innumerable variations. As a creative artist Sacher-Masoch was, of course, on the quest for the absolute, and sometimes, when impulses in the human being assume an abnormal or exaggerated form, there is just for a moment a flash that gives a glimpse of the thing in itself. If any defense were needed for the publication of work like Sacher-Masoch’s it is well to remember that artists are the historians of real sex stories forum the human soul and one might recall the wise and tolerant Montaigne’s essay _On the Duty of Historians_ where he says, “One may cover over secret actions, but to be silent on what all the world knows, and things which have had effects which are public and of so much consequence is an inexcusable defect.” And the curious interrelation between cruelty and sex, again and again, creeps into literature. Sacher-Masoch has not created anything new in this. He has simply taken an ancient motive and developed it frankly and consciously, until, it seems, there is nothing further to say on the subject. To the violent attacks which his books met he replied in a polemical work, _Uber den Wert der Kritik_. It would be interesting to trace the masochistic tendency as it occurs throughout literature, but no more can be done than just to allude to a few instances.

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