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His sister now sought Mabel's cunt, really fat people nude and inserting a finger, commenced pushing it backwards and forwards as she embraced her lovely buttocks with her disengaged arm, burying her tongue within the rosy bottom-hole. They writhed like two serpents, their bodies arched, and then they fell prone on each other, really fat people nude every muscle vibrating as they spent in all the agonies of lasciviousness. Frank seized his prick and frigged himself in unison with their movements, spouting out a torrent of sperm at the same moment as the two lovely tribades lost consciousness in their blissful convulsions. When he looked again Ethel had taken the housemaid across fat and big brasilian pussy lips nude female photo her knees, and was rubbing really fat people nude her belly and sucking her nipples, ever and anon really fat people nude allowing her hand to wander between her thighs. She then turned her with her belly downwards, so that their cunts were in contact, and again passing her hand between Mabel's thighs, she rubbed the profuse spendings with which their cunts overflowed into her exposed bottom-hole, and then inserting her finger, pushed it in and out its entire length, whilst Mabel struggled to release herself. At length she succeeded, and the housemaid lay flat on her back with Ethel reversed above her, and the sound of their mutual sucking, as their heads were between each other's thighs, drove Frank almost to the verge of distraction. They swayed to and fro, and pressed each other with their utmost strength, until it was evident they were spending again. Still the gamahuching continued, until they seemed utterly exhausted; and Mabel, kissing Ethel madly, left the room, evidently to return to her own before the other servants were stirring, as the day was already breaking.

Frank was utterly bewildered, but now determined that he would use his knowledge and ravish his darling sister without the aid of mesmerism before many days had passed. Etheridge returned about midday, and Frank was again struck by his mother's rare beauty and the fullness of her magnificent bosom. He looked at her fixedly, and, strange to say, she seemed affected by his gaze much in the same manner as his sister had been at first. Frank felt really fat people nude a thrill of delight as the bare possibility occurred to him of revelling in his mother's charms, but he felt that if he ever did succeed the utmost caution would be necessary. In the afternoon he took another stroll with his sister, and they soon found themselves in the summer house. They sat side by side on the couch, and Frank warmly embraced her, pressing her to him with voluptuous energy. His hand roved down and pressed one cheek of her buttocks, which he felt undulate beneath her bottom. "You must not do that," she murmured, "it makes me feel sick and ill." "Does it when Mabel does the same?" asked Frank. "I know all, have seen your embraces last night, but alluded to it to assure you your secret is safe. But will you not now allow me some little privileges?" "Oh, my darling, nude pictures of fat black women with large breast you are my brother!" "So much greater the exquisite enjoyment," pleaded Frank. Her head fell on his shoulder, and he ventured to insinuate his fingers within the bosom of her dress and gently rubbed her nipples with his thumb and finger. He next proceeded to place her hand upon his trousers, so that she could feel his bursting prick beneath. He now gently pushed her backwards and placed one hand beneath her clothes, gently pressing her legs and thighs apart, until he at length succeeded in reaching her cunt, which was in a moist and spending condition. Darling, forgive me, I cannot help it," and pushed the skin of his prick backwards and forwards. Frank commenced to frig her, at first gently, gradually increasing the rapidity and depth of his insertion, till, with a shriek of rapture, she spent profusely. He resisted the impulse to follow her example, and seating himself in a chair, drew her towards him, placed his knees between her thighs, and allowed her gradually to sit down, while his prick penetrated her. They embraced madly, thrusting their tongues into each other's mouths, and even biting each other in the fury of their transports, until another emission relieved their feverish lubricity. They then resumed their position on the couch, and Ethel burst into a flood of tears. My brother," sobbed she, "what have we done, and what will be the consequence?" Frank strove to console her, and after a time succeeded, and she became calm, so that they could resume their walk and return to the house. It is now time that some explanation should be offered as to the cause of the mesmeric power and voluptuous development so strikingly manifested in Frank. When he first reached school in Germany he was perfectly innocent, but was speedily initiated really fat people nude into all the mysteries of frigging and prick sucking by his school-fellows, who also used to fuck each other between the thighs, while a third behind received the point of his prick in his really fat people nude mouth each time it was pressed forward and sucked out every drop of spend that he could obtain.

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