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Thus we are told in _De Secretis Mulierum_ that to ascertain if a girl has been seduced she should be given to eat of powdered crocus flowers, and if she has been seduced she immediately urinates. We are here concerned with auto-suggestion, and it may well be believed that with nervous and credulous girls this test often revealed real jane seymour nude the truth.... The ancient custom, known in classic times, of measuring the neck the day after marriage was frequently practised to ascertain if a girl was or was not real jane seymour nude a virgin. One was to measure with a thread the circumference of the bride’s neck before she went to bed on the bridal night.

If in the morning the same thread real little naked nude would not go around her neck it was a sure sign that she had lost her virginity during the night; if it would, she was still a virgin or had been real teacher nude leak deflowered at an earlier period. Catullus alluded to this custom,[88] which still exists, or existed until lately,[89] in the south of France. It is perfectly sound, for it rests on the intimate response by congestion of the thyroid gland to sexual excitement. 283.)” [88] “Nor shall the nurse at orient light returning, with yester-e’en’s thread succeed in circling her neck.”--_The Carmina of Catullus_: Englished into verse and prose by Sir R.

Burton and Smithers, apparently, were unaware of the medical significance of the test, for they add in a note: “The ancients, says Pezay, had faith in another equally absurd test of virginity. They measured the circumference of the neck with a thread. Then the girl under trial took the two ends of the magic thread in her teeth, and if it was found to be so long that its bight could be passed over her head, it was clear she was not a maid. By this rule all the thin girls might pass for vestals, and all the plump ones for the reverse.” [89] Havelock Ellis is writing in 1914. THE SKIRMISH.[90] [90] _The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea_: Translated from the Latin of Nicolas Chorier: Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1890. Our extract is from the opening lines of the first dialogue; the phraseology, at times, is real jane seymour nude our own. _Tullia._ Sweet it is to me, dearest cousin, that thy marriage with Caviceo is finally concluded: for, the night which will make thee a wife in his embraces will, I assure thee, afford thee by far the greatest of all pleasures; real jane seymour nude provided Venus befriend thee, as this thy heavenly real jane seymour nude shape deserveth. _Ottavia._ My mother told me this morning that I am to be wedded to-morrow to Caviceo. And I see that the requisites real nude little girls for the pomp of this event are being prepared at home with great care: the bed, bed-room, and so forth. But, of course, these things cause less joy than fear in my soul; for, whatever in fine may be that pleasure of which thou, my dearest cousin, speakest, I neither know nor even imagine.

_Tullia._ It should seem nowise strange that thou at this age and so soft (for thou hast barely attained thy fifteenth year), dost not know what I, though older when I married, wholly ignored; that delight which Pomponia used to promise and so loudly extol, having been tasting it herself since three years.

_Ottavia._ But what greatly surpriseth me is that thou shouldst wholly ignore it. Allow me to speak more openly now that I am on the eve of complete freedom.

For if the practice were lacking, which thou certainly hadst not, yet thy great learning must have disclosed these secrets to thee.

I often hear thee extolled to the clouds in the most flattering terms, because thou art so skilled in Latin and Greek literature as in nearly real nude korean girls all the liberal arts that there seemeth to be naught which thou dost not know. _Tullia._ My father had so much to do in this, that, with the same zeal as most other girls are seeking after the reputation of being handsome and elegant, I was entirely bent on acquiring the honour of being a learned maid. And they that prefer to flatter than speak the truth, say: she hath not quite lost her time. _Ottavia._ They who will not flatter say also: scarcely have esteem of virtue, good morals remained with those of our sex who were considered learned, even when they obtained this honour.

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