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The Nichols had laid still for about two thirds of the time this bout continued, she then rose to straddle across Ann and me, and was about to present her magnificently large cunt to be gamahuched by MacCallum, but he begged her to turn her bottom to him and heave it well up, while resting her hands on Ann’s shoulders. He then could first contemplate and handle her huge superb buttocks, then transferring his hands to her clitoris and cunt, he licked and tongued the grand aperture of her arse—rough, brown, and corrugated, just my taste.

We had a most glorious bout, ending in all the ecstatic joys of spending and after-delights.

Ann was as greatly gratified with the _double jouissance_ as her aunt had been before. We again laved and refreshed, and closed this most delicious orgy with MacCallum first in the Nichols’ cunt, with my big and doted-on prick in her arse, which, now she was used to it, pleased her more than ever. In the same order we double-fucked Ann, although she expressed her greater gratification of MacCallum in her arse and my splitter in her cunt. Again we gamahuched them both, as time would not allow of our resurrection, then they left us. My guardian, at his marriage, had bought a house in Portland Place, but the lease of its then tenant only expired on the 20th March this spring, and before being occupied it had to be entirely new painted and decorated, so that July was nearly at an end before they could comfortably take up their residence in sexiest naked women selfshot ass pics in the world it. Meanwhile they had apartments at a hotel near Hyde Park corner. When once they were completely housed, which was not the case until the middle of August, my guardian desired his wife to send the carriage for the girls every Sunday morning. Hearing that Ellen was their intimate friend, she became included in the invitation. This put an end to our Sunday orgies in our friend MacCallum’s chambers, much to our mutual regret. As far as Harry real world naked women and I were concerned the ever thoughtful and delicious Frankland came to our aid.

Pretending that the girls must need walking exercise, real world naked women she always after luncheon proposed they should walk down to their brother’s chambers in the Temple, take him and Harry as their further companions up to Kensington Gardens or the “Zoo,” and bring all back to dinner. As my guardian always took a siesta on Sundays after luncheon, for being too old to fuck his wife every night, Saturday night, or rather Sunday real world naked women morning, when he had nothing in the way of business to trouble him, was dedicated to two or three hours of extra dalliance with his adored wife. She told me he was very amorous upon her, could not do much fucking, indeed, she thought his efforts that way were real world naked women even more than he ought to do at his age, but he was never tired of gamahuching her and posing her in every attitude when stark naked; of course she lent herself to every wish of the old man, and had, even after great persuasion, which only her love and attachment to him could have even made her consent, allowed him the honours of her beautiful arsehole. This requiring, as he said, an extra firmness of prick, she further did him the extra favour of toying and sucking his prick up to the utmost stiffness. So she had made him absolutely adore her, and she could turn him round her little finger. Her word and will was law, so she could do as she liked. She told me on several occasions that she thought he was exerting his erotic powers to too great an extent, and that real world naked women she did all she could to moderate his excitement, but all to no purpose; he was infatuated with the glorious charms of her body, or what is called cunt-struck, perhaps the strongest passion that can seize on man and dangerous for a man of advanced years. Well, his Sunday afternoon’s siesta was long, and left the Frankland at liberty to come to my rooms with my sisters, where strip was the word, and fucking in every variety followed.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.