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Once fairly established within my new real teen amature nude quarter we mutually exerted our utmost endeavours to gratify each other as well as ourselves, and the result of our efforts soon led, much to the satisfaction of both parties, in the temporary subjugation of both the contending forces. Gratified by finding that the issue realy drunk teens maddoxxx reserved to asian woman had been much more satisfactory than I had expected, and not having had an opportunity for some time previously of indulging myself so agreeably, I, much to her surprise and joy, retained possession of the stronghold with my forces so slightly weakened by their late defeat as to give immediate promise of a renewed attack. Telling her to be still real teen nude amature for a few minutes and that we should shortly enjoy ourselves again, I began to question her regarding the matters in which I felt interested. I thought it better at first not to allude to Laura, so I commenced by inquiring about John, and I soon found that the one subject led to the other. It appeared that John was the under-groom whose duty it was to attend upon Miss Laura when she rode out. John had courted Betsy for some time previously and had been admitted to all the privileges of a husband on condition that he should marry her as real amature teen porn soon as he could obtain a situation which would enable him to support her. Betsy, it seems, was rather jealous, and John, to teaze her, had pretended that he was on terms of intimacy with his young Mistress, a statement for which there was not the slightest foundation.

Betsy's suspicions, however, being once roused, were not easily set at rest, and this led her to pay more attention than previously to her young Mistress's proceedings. She had sometimes wondered what induced Laura to go out by herself almost every morning before breakfast, and now fancying that it might be for the purpose of meeting John, she resolved to watch her and ascertain if her suspicions were correct. She accordingly followed her, and found that she invariably made her way to a small summer house at a little distance from the house. Here John never made his appearance, but curious to know what Laura was about, Betsy continued her spying until she one day ascertained that, instead of amusing herself with John's article, Miss Laura resorted to the place for the purpose of consoling herself with a very insufficient substitute for what Betsy had suspected to be the offending member. As Laura slept in the same room with her aunt she had no opportunity of thus indulging herself. I drew all this gradually from her, leading her on by degrees, and trying to make it appear that I had no particular interest in the subject. Her story, however, had such an effect upon a certain part of my body, which was still imbedded within her, that she could not help feeling as she proceeded with her tale the impression it made upon me. Indeed when she came to relate the discovery she had made, I was obliged to stop her and proceed to a repetition of our enjoyment in order to allay the fire which had been so fiercely lighted up within me.

When I had brought the second engagement to a still real teen amature nude more satisfactory conclusion than the first, I found it was time for me to get on with my real teens shown pussy dressing so as not to be too late for dinner, and Betsy volunteered her services to assist as valet. The lewd little monkey, however, was too intent upon examining the course from which she had derived so much pleasure to do anything except fondle and caress it, and seeing the pleasure it evidently gave her, I allowed her to do as she liked. While she amused herself with tickling and squeezing the accessories, handling the principal object, kissing it, inserting it in her mouth and sucking it, and doing everything in her power to restore it to the imposing attitude which had pleased her so much, I endeavoured with as much apparent unconcern as I could assume to ascertain every particular as to Laura.

Betsy however was too quick not to discover what I was after, and said to me, "Come, come, I see quite well how it is with you--you would like this pretty little gentleman I am playing real teen amature nude with to take the place of its substitute between Miss Laura's thighs.

you need not real teen amature nude try to deceive me--I felt how it swelled up within me whenever I mentioned her name, and how firm and stiff it grew real teen amature nude when I told you what I had seen.

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