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Therefore, again, she was divided between two feelings; resentment against him, and a desire to make it up with him. She passed a very uneasy and irritated teatime, and at once went up to her really tan girls naked room. But when she was there it was no good; she could neither sit nor stand. She would have to young naked school girls with really tight vaginas go back to the hut; if he was not there, well and good. She slipped out of the side door, and took her way direct and real hairy naked girls a little sullen. When she came to the clearing she real hairy naked girls was terribly uneasy. But there he was again, in his shirtsleeves, stooping, letting the hens out of the coops, among the chicks that were now growing a little gawky, but were much more trim than hen-chickens. "Ay, I see it!" he said, straightening his back, and looking at her with a faint amusement. "Yes, they've sat themselves to skin and bone," he said.

"An' now they're not all that anxious to come out an' feed. There's no self in a sitting hen; she's all in the eggs or the chicks." The poor mother hens; such blind devotion! A helpless silence fell between the man and the woman. "Do you want me?" she asked, in real hairy naked girls a sort of mistrust. It was quite dark when he had shut the door, so he made a small light in the lantern, as before. "Have you left your underthings off?" he asked her.

"Yes!" "Ay, well, then I'll take my things off too." He spread the blankets, putting one at the side for a coverlet. He sat down, taking off his shoes and gaiters, and undoing his cord breeches. "Lie down real hairy naked girls then!" he said, when he stood in his shirt. She obeyed in silence, and he lay beside her, and pulled the blanket over them both. And he lifted her dress right back, till he came even to her breasts.

He kissed them softly, taking the nipples in his lips in tiny caresses. "Eh, but tha'rt nice, tha'rt nice!" he said, suddenly rubbing real hairy naked girls his face with a snuggling movement against her warm belly. And she put her arms round him under his shirt, but she was afraid, afraid of his thin, smooth, naked body, that seemed so powerful, afraid of the violent muscles. And when he said, with a sort of little sigh: "Eh, tha'rt nice!" something in her quivered, and something in her spirit stiffened in resistance: stiffened from the terribly physical intimacy, and from the peculiar haste of his possession. And this time the sharp ecstacy of her own passion did not overcome her; she lay with her hands inert on his striving body, and do what she might, her spirit seemed to look on from the top of her head, and the butting of his haunches seemed ridiculous to her, and the sort of anxiety of his penis to come to its little evacuating crisis seemed farcical. Yes, this was love, this ridiculous bouncing of the buttocks, and the wilting really fat girls naked of the poor insignificant, moist little penis.

After all, the moderns were right when they felt contempt for the performance; for it was a performance. It was quite true, as some poets said, that the God who created man must have had a sinister sense of humour, creating him a reasonable being, yet forcing him to take this ridiculous posture, and driving him with blind craving for this ridiculous performance. Even a Maupassant found it a humiliating anticlimax.

Cold and derisive her queer female mind stood apart, and though she lay perfectly still, her impulse was to heave her loins, and throw the man out, escape his ugly grip, and the butting overriding of his absurd haunches. His body was a foolish, impudent, imperfect thing, a little disgusting in its unfinished clumsiness. For surely a complete evolution would eliminate this performance, this "function." And yet when he had finished, soon over, and lay very very still, receding into silence, and a strange, motionless distance, far, farther than the horizon of her awareness, her heart began to weep.

She could feel him ebbing away, ebbing away, real naked thick girls leaving her there like a stone on a shore. And in real grief, tormented by her own double consciousness and reaction, she began to weep. The storm of weeping swelled and shook her, and shook him. I can't love you," she sobbed, suddenly feeling her heart breaking. Ta'e it for what it is." He still lay with his hand on her breast.

This wor' a bit o' thin for once." She wept bitterly, sobbing: "But I real hairy naked girls want to love you, and I can't. It only seems horrid." He laughed a little, half bitter, half amused. "It isna horrid," he said, "even if tha thinks it is. Tha mun ta'e th' rough real hairy naked girls wi' th' smooth." He took his hand away from her breast, not touching her. And now she was untouched she took an almost perverse satisfaction in it.

She hated the dialect: the _thee_ and the _tha_ and the _thysen_. He could get up if he liked, and stand there above her buttoning down those absurd corduroy breeches, straight in front of her. After all, Michaelis had had the decency to turn away. This man was so assured in himself, he didn't know what a clown other people found him, a half-bred fellow.

Yet, as he was drawing away, to rise silently and leave her, she clung to him in terror.

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