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Do you want it to?" They started on the return journey, Clifford jolting cautiously downhill. They came to the fat girls naked in the woods dark bottom of the hollow, turned to the right, and after a hundred yards swerved up the foot of the long slope, where bluebells stood in the light. "Now old girl!" said Clifford, putting the chair to it.

The chair plugged slowly, in a struggling unwilling fashion.

Still, she nosed her way up unevenly, till she came to where the hyacinths were all around her, then she balked, struggled, jerked a little way out of the flowers, then stopped.

"We'd better sound the horn and see if the keeper will come," said Connie. It helps." "We'll let her breathe," said Clifford. "Do you mind putting a scotch under the wheel?" Connie found a stone, and they waited.

After a while Clifford started really fat girls naked his motor again, then set the chair in motion. It struggled and faltered like a sick thing, with curious noises. "What's the good of the damned thing, if it has to be pushed! Put the really fat girls naked stone under!" There was another pause, then another start; but more ineffectual than before.

"Or sound the horn for the keeper." "Wait!" She waited; and he had another try, doing more harm than good.

"really fat girls naked Sound the horn then, if you won't let me push," she said. Be quiet a moment!" She was quiet a moment: he made shattering efforts with the little motor.

"You'll only break the thing down altogether, Clifford," she remonstrated; "besides wasting your nervous energy." "If I could only get out and look at the damned thing!" he said, exasperated. "Perhaps Mellors can see what's wrong." They waited, among the mashed flowers under a sky softly curdling with cloud. In the silence a wood-pigeon began to coo, roo-hoo hoo! The keeper appeared directly, striding inquiringly round the corner. "Do you know anything about motors?" asked Clifford sharply. Has she gone wrong?" "Apparently!" snapped Clifford. The man crouched solicitously by the wheel, and peered at the little engine.

"I'm afraid I know nothing at all about these mechanical things, Sir Clifford," he said calmly. "If she has enough petrol and oil--" "Just look carefully and see if you can see anything broken," snapped Clifford. The man laid his gun against a tree, took off his coat and really fat girls naked threw it beside it. Then he sat down on his heels and peered under the chair, poking with his finger at the greasy little engine, and resenting the grease-marks on his clean Sunday shirt. And he stood up, pushing back his hat from his forehead, rubbing his brow and apparently studying. "Have you looked at the rods underneath?" asked Clifford. "See if they are all right!" The man lay flat on his stomach on the floor, his neck pressed back, wriggling under the engine and poking with his finger. Connie thought what a pathetic sort of thing a man was, feeble and small-looking, when he was lying on his belly on the big earth. "Seems all right as far as I can see," came his muffled voice. "I don't suppose you can do anything," said Clifford. "Seems as if I can't!" And he scrambled up and sat on his heels again, collier fashion.

"There's certainly nothing obviously broken." Clifford started his engine, then put her in gear. Clifford resented the interference: but he made his engine buzz like a blue-bottle. Then she coughed and snarled and seemed to go better. "If I give her a push, she'll do it," said the keeper, going behind. "She'll do it by herself." "But Clifford!" put in Connie from the bank, "you know it's too much for her. Why are you so obstinate!" Clifford was pale with anger. The chair gave a sort of scurry, reeled on a few more yards, and came to her end amid a particularly promising patch of bluebells.

"Not power really fat girls naked enough." "She's been up here before," said Clifford coldly. He began doing things with his engine, running her fast and slow as if to get some sort of tune out of her.

Then he put her in gear with a jerk, having jerked off his brake. The chair charged really fat girls naked in a sick lurch sideways at the ditch.

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