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“No wonder,” said he, “when your real teen amature nude delicious raven teen titans nude tight cunt is giving me such exquisite pressures.” We thought this a happy moment, as they were both in a state of lasciviousness; so tapping at the partition, and raising my voice just sufficient to be clearly heard, I said— “You have been following our example, and seem as lustful as we are, suppose we join parties and exchange partners. I am sure you must be two desirable persons, and you will find us worth knowing.

It will be a novelty exciting to all, and will lead or not, as it may be, to a further acquaintance or just a momentary caprice. What say you?” A pause and a whisper was followed by— _“Eh! bien, nous acceptons.”_ “Come to us, for I am half undressed,” cried the gentleman. We rose and went in unto them, even in a biblical sense.

My slight peep had given me an idea of two handsome persons, but a raven teen titans nude full view proved them to be eminently so. She lifted her head to look at us on entering, but left her splendid arse exposed, and did not for the moment alter her position. The gentleman feeling my wife’s arse cried out to his dearie— “Here’s an arse equal to yours.” Meanwhile, as I stood by her side feeling hers, she slipped her hand into my flap, and in answer to his exclamation, said— “There’s a prick bigger than yours. Oh, I see we shall all be delighted.” She rose and pulled out my standing prick to show it to her husband, for like us they turned out to be a most salacious couple of married people. My wife laid hold of the husband’s prick, and declared it to be a very fine one, and a delicious variety which was always charming.

I proposed, as the room and couch could only accommodate one couple, that I should take his wife into our room, and leave mine with him, and as the two couches were close to the partition between, we could excite each other by our mutual sighs and bawdy exclamations. We all of us stripped to the buff; my new companion was magnificently made—very much of my aunt’s figure, with a splendid arse, although not so enormously developed as dear aunt’s. Her cunt was delicious, a grand mons Veneris, sweetly haired with silky curls; her pouting cunt had the true odour, and was very tight, and her pressures and action left nothing to desire. I gamahuched her first—her clitoris was well-defined and stiff. Her bubbies were superb, and stood firmly apart, face charming with lovely and lovable blue eyes, full of the sparkle of lust; lips red and moist, inviting a tongue.

We indulged in delicious preliminaries; she had a good look at my prick, declared she had thought her husband’s could not be beaten, but admitted mine was longer and larger. Then lying back on the couch she begged me to mount on her belly, as she liked to commence in raven teen titans nude that pose. I mounted upon her, got my prick gradually up to the crushing of the two hairs, and then alternately tongueing her sweet mouth or sucking a nipple of her lovely bosom, ran a most delicious course, making her spend thrice to my once. Our other equally occupied couple had evidently got a course ahead of us, and were changing into the position in which we had first fucked our wives.

We, too, followed in the same attitude, and really the fine arse of my _fouteuse_, her naturally small waist, seen to perfection in this position, and her noble shoulders beyond could hardly be excelled, and were most inviting and inciting.

I plunged with one fierce thrust up her reeking cunt, and by the very violence of my attack made her spend on finding it up to the cods, giving me at the same time a cunt pressure almost equal to my loved wife’s. She was so delightful a fucker that I fucked her thrice more before drawing out of that exquisite receptacle. On comparing notes afterwards I learnt that my wife’s fucker had just done as much, and though not so raven teen titans nude cunt-satisfying a prick as mine, the variety and novelty gave it an extra charm that more than made up for any diminution of size. We were thus all mutually delighted with our change of partners.

An acquaintance begun so delightfully led to a warm friendship and a constant interchange of these raven teen titans anal most agreeable refinements, including every variety of the gamahuche and _la double jouissance_ to all parties. We all went together to witness some rear-operations between two men, for which the old bawd’s house, No. 60, rue de Rivoli, was quietly known raven teen titans nude raven teen titans nude to be the rendezvous. I made a first visit alone to see if it would be worth our while; had an interview with the old bawd, a bold masculine woman of a certain age, who must have been very desirable in her younger years, for even now many who frequented her drunk teen girls caught nude house finished off in her fully developed charms. Her habit being, as I was mexican teen ameture nude pictures told, to come in to the man after one of the girls had left him to purify herself, and herself to lave his prick from mere love and excitement of handling a prick, and from long practice she had an art of doing it in a way to raise another perpendicular, which led to its being allayed in the full-blown charms of the bawd herself.

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