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_Tullia._ Would they deny I am chaste, while owning I am learned? _Ottavia._ Ay, they would; but thou hast won the admiration of all while taking care that thy learning did not interfere with thy rate my naked teen pic good and chaste morals; it hath produced an extraordinary prodigy. But how could it be possible that the Muses, who are styled virgins, should be deemed hostile to the honour of virgins? Why are they said to corrupt our minds, they who are as the ardour of our souls, stimulating us all, men and women alike, to grand and praiseworthy actions? Undoubtedly because men, from a certain haughty and silly malignity, envy us these resources of which they themselves are proud, by making us the victims of their jealousy. Men shun every poison and venom just as we do, whom they call the weaker sex, because the same pest which may take our lives away, may take theirs away too.

If learning be a venom and a pest for us, as they assert, how is it that so dangerous a thing, in order to be useful to men, (for they do not deny but that it is useful to them), should change its nature all on a sudden?

If learning is, of its very essence, a certain source of every evil and crime for us, how shall they drink out of the same source the nectarean waters of immortal glory: whilst we unhappy and wretched women shall drink a sort of sulphureous Stygian water which rate my naked teen pic will excite us to those debaucheries, to which they drive us by their sway or lead us by their example? For, I remember that thou spokest thus on this subject a few days ago in thy conversation with Caviceo. It is exceedingly nice of thee to have conserved until now that pure reputation of an honest woman, with that beauty which inflameth even the coldest, with that learning which doth captivate those insensible of beauty. _Tullia._ rate my naked teen pic Thou who speakest thus, thou who knowest that love inflameth men’s hearts, art not so simple as I thought. _Ottavia._ best pictures of jinx naked of teen titans Am I totally ignorant of what Caviceo’s eyes, brow, in a word, his whole countenance so often told me, even though he were silent? I was indeed truly surprised at the unwonted fire of his kisses, when he made free with me eight days ago; I know but rate my naked teen pic rate my naked teen pic too well what that ardour and fire meant. _Ottavia.rate my naked teen pic _ My mother was gone out; but what was to be feared from him?

_Ottavia._ On the contrary, the fool took them against my will, brandishing his glowing tongue between my lips. _Ottavia._ I shall acknowledge it: some heat or other hitherto unfelt rate my naked teen pic passed through my veins: my whole frame was inflamed. He thought that a maiden blush bepainted my cheek; for a little while he forebore his folly and busy hand.... I shall ever hate those roguish hands, from the very fact that they with their fire impregnated me, tortured and wearied! having stuck his hand in my breast, he seized one of my paps, then the other; and while he was handling each of them rather hard, lo! _Tullia._ Thou art blushing; the deed was accomplished. _Ottavia._ His left hand was laid on my bosom (I am stating how the thing was done), he easily overcame all my efforts; he next slipped his right hand under my petticoat. _Tullia._ Lay aside that ridiculous modesty; fancy thou art relating to thyself what thou art telling me. _Ottavia._ Having speedily lifted my petticoat above my knees, he handled my thighs.

_Ottavia._ Having carried his hand higher, he invaded that place which, they say, distinguisheth us from the other sex; ay, it is now a year ago, and ever since a lot of blood doth run from me every month during several days. “This part,” he saith, “will soon rejoice me exceedingly. Do consent, my Ottavia.” A little teen girls phone number that will send naked pics more and I had fainted at these words. _Ottavia._ That part of me, thou wouldst scarcely believe, hath a very small slit....

_Ottavia._ He thrust his finger into it, and, as the place could barely contain it, I felt a sharp pain throughout all my senses. But he: “I have a virgin,” said he, and no sooner said than forcibly opening my thighs which I kept as tight as ever I could, he threw himself upon me. but what effrontery is mine to speak so much about it!

_Tullia._ And I too, whom thou makest so much of, have undergone it, as thou.

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