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The passion that had seized me for her had so far kept me most obedient to her slightest command, or even wish, and, from the same cause, attentive to my lessons, when not distracted by the circumstances already detailed. My example had also had the effect of keeping my sisters much in the same groove, but it was impossible this could last—it was not nature. As long as all went smoothly, Miss Evelyn seemed to be all amiability. We fancied we could do as we liked, teen girls phone number that will send naked pics and we grew more careless. Miss Evelyn became more reserved, and cautioned us at first, and then threatened us with the rod. Mary grew impertinent, and one afternoon turned sulky over her lessons, and set our teacher at defiance. Miss Evelyn, who mexican women and teens naked pics had been growing more and more angry, had her rise from her seat. Seizing her by the arm, Miss Evelyn dragged the struggling girl to the horse. My sister was strong and fought hard, using both teeth and nails, but it was to no purpose. The anger of our governess was fully roused, and raising her in her arms, she carried her forcibly to the horse, placed her on it, held her firmly with one hand while she put the noose round her with the other, which, when drawn, secured her body; other nooses secured each ankle to rings in the floor, keeping her legs apart by the projection of the horse, and also forcing the knees to bend a little, by which the most complete exposure of the bottom, and, in fact, of all her private parts too, was obtained. Miss Evelyn then left her, and went to mamma for a rod. In a few minutes she returned, evidently flushed with passion, and proceded to tie Mary’s petticoats well up to her waist, leaving her bottom and her pinky slit quite bare and exposed directly before my eyes. It was quite two months since I had seen her private parts, and I was well surprised to observe the lips more pouting and swelled out, as well as the symptoms of a mossy covering of the mount much more developed. Indeed, it was in itself more exciting than I teen girls phone number that will send naked pics had expected, for my thoughts had so long dwelt only on the riper beauties of Miss Evelyn that I had quite ceased to have any toying with Mary. This full view of all her private teen girls phone number that will send naked pics parts reawakened former sensations and strengthened them. Miss Evelyn first removed her own scarf, laying bare her plump ivory shoulders, and showing the upper halves of her beautiful bubbies, which were heaving with the excitement of her anger. She bared her fine right arm, and grasping the rod, stepped back and raised her arm; her eyes glistened in a peculiar way. I shall never forget that moment—it was but a moment. The rod whistled through the air and fell with a cruel cut on poor Mary’s plump little bottom. The flesh quivered again, and Mary, cute petite teen girls naked who had resolved not to cry, flushed in her face, and bit the damask with which the horse was covered. Again the arm was raised, and again, with a sharp whistle, it fell on the palpating buttocks below it. Still her stubborn temper bore her up, and although we saw how she winced, not a sound escaped her lips. Drawing back a step, Miss Evelyn again raised her hand and arm, and this time her aim was so true that teen girls phone number that will send naked pics the longer points of the rod doubled between the buttocks and concentrated themselves between the lips of Mary’s privates. So agonising was the pain that she screamed out dreadfully. I will never, no, never, do so again.” hot naked girls taking pics with their cell phones Her shrieks were of no avail. Cut succeeded cut, yell succeeded yell—until the rod was worn teen girls phone number that will send naked pics to a stump, and poor Mary’s bottom was one mass of weals and red as raw beef.

It was fearful to see, and yet such is our nature that to see it was, at the same time, exciting. I could not keep my eyes from her pouting quim, the swelling lips of which, under the severity of the punishment it was undergoing, not only seemed to thicken, but actually opened and shut, and evidently throbbed with agony. But all this was highly exciting for me to witness. I teen girls phone number that will send naked pics then and there resolved to have a closer inspection at a more convenient opportunity, which did not fail me in the end. Meanwhile, her spirit was completely cowed, or rather, crushed. Indeed, we were all fully frightened, and now knew what we had to expect, if we did not behave ourselves. There was now no fear of any manifestation of temper, and we felt we must indeed obey implicitly whatever our governess chose to order.

A very few days after this memorable whipping, some visitors arrived—a gentleman and lady. The gentleman was an old friend of mamma’s, who had lately married, and mamma had asked them to visit her on their wedding tour and spent a short time with us.

The gentleman was a fine-looking man, tall and powerfully built; the lady rather delicate looking, but well shaped, with good breasts and shoulders, small waist, and spreading haunches, well-formed arms, small hands and feet, and very brilliant eyes.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.