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Naked woman having sex with her father and brother

Naked woman having sex with her father and brother

Then applying my surcharged mouthful of saliva to my already well-moistened prick, I lubricated it completely from point to root, and then applied it to the half-opened lips. Rubbing it up and down here, and over the clitoris, I excited her to the greatest pitch.

Charlie dear,” she cried, “try if its head will go in now, and I will try to bear it.” I was only too glad of the permission, and very rapidly got it in over the nut, but it was very tight. I drew it half out again, and then, on repeating this motorcycle riders with naked girls five or six times, found I was imperceptibly gaining ground. Try on, gently.” I did so, and had got naked woman having sex with her father and brother rather more than half way in when she went off in an agony of delight, deliciously pouring her warm liquid over my enchanted prick, giving, at the same time, naked woman having sex with her father and brother such a push backwards, which, meeting a firm, though gentle forward movement on my part, joined with the natural relaxation following her discharge, drove me up to the hilt in the very tightest little cunt it has ever been my good fortune to sheath myself in. I seemed to fill every cranny, and to have stretched every part to its utmost distention. My aunt with her great cunt had a power of pressure that seemed almost to nip off your prick, Miss Frankland, too, was great in that way.

But this was more like a very well made first-rate kid glove, two sizes too small for your fingers, yet giving way without bursting, and fitting every irregularity naked woman having sex with her father and brother of the nail or finger; just so her little cunt fitted my prick exactly like a glove, and it was truly most ecstatic. A gentle withdrawing, and then as gentle resheathing, so excited me that I shot a torrent of sperm up into her very womb.

She gave quite a cry of ecstasy, and I could feel the tight sheath exercising a running movement along the whole length of my prick, and still naked woman having sex with her father and brother more tightly closing all round it—if that were possible. It was so exquisitely delicious that both of us were almost instantly in readiness for another course. “Oh, yes, my dear, do you think you could have taken any more?” “Oh, no, it appears to fill me to bursting, and to be up to my very heart. I could not have supported more, but could hardly believe I had it all, as I did not think it possible, and was afraid there was more to come.” “Did it give you any pleasure?” “Oh, yes; and does so still—push on, dear Charlie, and don’t spare me, it is heavenly.” She wriggled and heaved her backside. I seized her by each hip and favoured her side movements by, as it were, drawing her off and on; faster and faster we moved, until at last the crisis seized us both together.

Her head sank with a deep sigh, or rather cry of ecstasy.

She would have fallen forward on her belly, but that my grip of her hips held her bottom close up to my belly, with my prick thrust into the innermost end of her cunt, until I felt the three points of the opening of her womb, like the nailless ends of three fingers grasping, as it were, the very point of my prick, and opening themselves to receive the whole discharge of my sperm within its innermost recesses. Nothing could be more delicious, and as I held her fast, I was myself in a state of perfect ecstasy. At last addressing some endearing expressions, and getting no reply, I found that the dear girl had quite fainted away, and was insensible in every respect except in the continued convulsive throbs of her delicious tight cunt. However, finding that she did not recover her senses, I gently withdrew my still stiff prick.

I wiped her cunt dry with my handkerchief, and was glad to see there was no blood stains. I laid naked woman having sex with her father and brother her gently down on her back, ran to a little stream, and taking two handfuls of water, came back, threw some on naked woman having sex with her father and brother the still throbbing cunt, and sprinkled her face with the drops that still adhered to my palms. This had the desired effect; she opened her eyes, raised herself on her bottom, and threw her arms round my neck as I knelt by her very young girls eating pussy and having anal sex side.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.