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This friend explained the theory and practice of mesmerism, and Frank soon found that he could also experimentalize successfully. This young student was also an ardent voluptuary of the most pronounced type, and proposed that Frank should try if he could mesmerize his sister, a charming girl of about fifteen, who was staying with him for a few days, awaiting the arrival of her father. Frank's friend proposed they should go to a certain house, where he was in the habit of going, to try the experiment. It was, in fact, kept by a lady who allowed the strangest scenes of unbridled lust to be enacted there, the contemplation of which caused her the most exquisite delight.

They started at once, in company with his friend's sister, and on their arrival the lady ushered them into her drawing room (fully understanding that their visit was to afford her some of the usual voluptuous treats, which she always enjoyed so much), and Frank at once commenced to try his experiment on the Fraulein. For some time no visible effect was produced, but at last her eyes appeared to dilate, then the eyelids drooped, and she seemed to sleep. "Now, Frank," said his friend, "speak to her." He did so, mtured malayali girls natural nude and to his delight he found that he had succeeded perfectly. The student now told Frank that he must see him fuck her. And I have never seen her cunt!" "So much the better sport," replied his friend, "for I am determined you shall defile her in my presence here. "Now, Frank," continued he, placing his hand on his prick and commencing to fondle it, "no one but ourselves can ever know anything about it. I am so anxious to see her naked body, and this darling prick penetrating it. I see you will," said he as he felt the cock rising under his caressing hand.

He approached her, unfastened her dress, discovered her rosy nipples tipping the snowy hills of her bosom. He fingered them in rapture, and they seemed to get so impudently hard that he could not resist the temptation of sucking the delicious little strawberries of love. But, his friend getting impatient, he proceeded to mtured malayali girls natural nude raise her dress in front, exhibiting a lovely little pink cunt, with scarcely a hair on it.

"I will assist you to undress her," said the brother, and lifting her on the couch she was soon naked in their hands. Frank examined that deliciously tight little cunt; it was impossible to get even the point of his finger in.

"Suck it and moisten it." Frank did so, and from the writhing of the naked body of the beautiful girl, she was evidently enjoying it.

Her brother then took his place and endeavored to force his tongue within. At last he arose, and said, "Frank, I fear you must place your prick between her thighs and spend there, she is so small and tight, and I will suck the head of your prick from the other side." This was carried into effect, and after commanding her to dress, Frank succeeded in recovering her again, and they left the house. This little incident had created in Frank's mind a mad desire to force his way into a virgin cunt, he revelling in the agony of his victim by anticipation, and on mentioning his desire to his friend, he said, "I will speak to a lady that I know very well." This was the proprietress of the house they had visited with his sister. She had a girl of eighteen of French parentage who had been turned out of her home by brutal parents and was, in fact, utterly friendless. Madame G---- had taken her in with delight, seeing that she would be able to do anything with her that her lewd fancies might devise, without fear or risk. This was the victim fated to be tortured by Frank, the only condition being that Madame G---- should be present to see the whole proceeding, and thus have her share of the voluptuous feast.

On the following day Frank obtained permission to be absent until evening, and he accompanied his friend to the house in question. They were ushered into a charming boudoir, where they found Madame G---- awaiting them.

She was a pretty, plump woman, every feature betraying an intensely lascivious temperament. She was completely enveloped in a dressing gown of black velvet, which heightened the dazzling whiteness of mtured malayali girls natural nude her skin; her rosy little feet were encased in tiny little slippers, and her legs were evidently bare. A soft warm air pervaded the room, and a mtured malayali girls natural nude fragrant and exciting perfume shed its influence around.

The floor was covered with a thick velvet pile carpet; the chairs and a capacious couch were also covered with velvet and furnished with luxurious springs. In the centre of the room was a peculiar article of furniture, which bore the appearance of a St. Andrew's Cross, placed horizontally and supported by a massive pedestal, which at one end was cut away so as to correspond with the form of mtured malayali girls natural nude the cross at its lower extremity. She rose and greeted them, embracing both most affectionately, and squeezed Frank so ardently against her that his prick stood immediately.

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Ellen had never seen a male “diddle,” as she and her young with the village by a covered way and having a playground into which and who will ever.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.