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Pussy munching stories

Pussy munching stories

How then can it excite?” “You shall see, my dear.” She opened her wardrobe and produced a formidable rod of fine fresh-cut birch twigs.

The doctor begged me to lie down on my back—he got over me, and we commenced sucking each other’s pricks. Mine stood at once, as the doctor, in addition to sucking, pussy munching stories thrust a couple of fingers up my bottom-hole, pussy munching stories and frigged away as fast as he sucked. The doctor’s buttocks were left at the mercy of aunt, who flogged away at them with pussy munching stories no gentle hand.

I spent before the doctor could quite get his prick to standing point, but the copious torrent I poured into his mouth, and his after-suction on my prick, in addition to the red raw state of his buttocks, at last brought him up to full stand. He wanted to put it into me when ready, but aunt said that as flogger she had herself become greatly excited, and must have it herself.

“While this dear prick,” throwing herself on it, and sucking it, “shall fuck me at the same time.” I was quite ready, and she straddled across me, and guided my now longing prick into her luscious cunt. She soon stopped, and we tongued each other while the doctor was mounting to the assault on her delicious bottom-hole. As soon as he was housed, we began another charming course, in which aunt, as usual, spent frequently before our less lecherous natures were ready to join in one general and exquisite discharge.

We went off in furies of delighted lust, and then sank exhausted pussy munching stories in the delicious after-sensation. We long lay in the sweet inanition and luxury of satiated lust. At last we disconnected ourselves, rose, and laved each other with cold water, more as a restorative than as a purification. Aunt and I had two bouts after—one in front and one behind. The doctor would not allow a fresh application of the birch, as he said it would only produce so great an exhaustion as would require days to restore. I retired after this, but ever afterwards the doctor was regularly birched before he could even copulate once. Sometimes he required to flog my aunt’s glorious bum to excite his fading powers, declaring that it was almost as exciting as being flogged. He even gave it me gently, although I hardly ever required it, but I professed my surprise at its efficiency. The holidays were at an end, but I was as yet the only boarder. There were, however, some twenty or thirty youths from the neighbourhood, who were day scholars at the doctor’s school. Among these the doctor had his pick in the flogging way, but he never allowed them to know anything of our other proceedings, or to imagine that the birching which took place was otherwise than as a punishment for faults or inattention. However, I was generally the chosen companion of these whippings, in which I acted as horse, or holder of the boy to be flogged. Of course I took good care to expose as much as possible their lovely cocks, as well as their plump bottoms, and as this excited me as well as the doctor, it often ended, after the culprit was dismissed, in my flogging the doctor, followed by a mutual rack off in each other’s bottoms. There was one fine, plump, girlish-looking youth, named rate my teachers pussy Dale, who was here for the first half. He had not as yet been brought up for punishment, although the doctor had confided to me the letch he had taken to flog his fine fat bottom. One day, Master Dale brought a sealed note from his widowed mother, who lived about a mile from the village, in a charming cottage ornee. By chance I was looking at him, and saw a smile of joy light up his features. “Come here, Master Dale,” said he in a mild and gentle voice, “your mother tells me that you have behaved in a most shameful manner to your pretty young cousin, who is residing with your mamma.” Master Dale blushed scarlet, for he was not pussy lsucking stories aware until now that anyone had been a witness to the scene that had taken place between him and his pretty cousin. The cousin, a lovely girl of fifteen, was in a secluded spot in the garden, near an arbour, the preceding afternoon. She was bending down, tying up a flower close to the ground, which made her stoop to such a degree that she could only reach it with ease by having her legs wide apart. Her back was pussy munching stories towards the walk by which young Dale was advancing. As he approached unheard by her, he pussy munching stories could not fail to see peeping out between the stretched open expanse of snowy drawers the inner part of her well-rounded globes of dimpled ivory.

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I was still engulphed in her condemned to death, who knows he is on the with a false moustache, I went as one of his seconds to the fatal place of meeting, and had the satisfaction of seeing my wrongs avenged.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.