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As soon as this was done, I prepared Frank for the sacrifice.

I was apprehensive that there would be as much difficulty in introducing the magnificent weapon into his lovely, but narrow aperture as there had been in my own case, and I endeavoured to provide against the worst as satisfactorily as I extreme porn videos for free could. I knelt down mongolian reality sexvids for free on the bed and made him place himself kneeling also so as to rest his belly on my back. Sir Charles then placed himself behind him and grasped him firmly round the loins, making his splendid weapon appear between his thighs, where I saw it rubbing fiercely against Frank's less mature organ. Taking hold of it and making it move back a little, I introduced my hand between Frank's thighs, and separating the lips of the delicious aperture between his lovely buttocks, I directed the point of the throbbing monster to the proper spot. Holding it firmly in the requisite position, I told Sir Charles to press it gently forwards. This he immediately did and to my great astonishment I felt it gradually advancing and slipping into the gulph of pleasure without difficulty, till I was obliged to withdraw the grasp my hand held on it. I had hardly done so when I saw the enormous pillar entirely swallowed up, and on turning my eyes to Frank's face, I could not discover teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free on his countenance the slightest trace of pain or suffering. Satisfied that I need have no further apprehension on his account, I turned myself mongolian reality sexvids for free a little round, so as to take my part in the play, and placing myself mongolian reality sexvids for free directly before him, so as to bring my buttocks in contact with his warm soft belly, I insinuated Frank's charming little darling into my rear. While holding me fast with one arm round the middle, he grasped my stiffly erected standard with the other hand. Thinking that the power and weight of metal of Sir Charles' performer in the rear would prevent Frank from exerting himself much in the combat, I resolved to render any great exertion on his part unnecessary. For keeping time with Sir Charles' motions, I commenced a series of heaves by which, whenever Sir Charles' weapon was fully driven up to the hilt in his hinder quarter, his own was as fully and as pleasantly introduced within me.

This delightful operation very soon produced such a state of extatic delirium that he could not refrain from giving vent to the most enthusiastic praises of our performances in such a loud tone that I was obliged to beg him to be quiet to prevent suspicion being aroused.

The delight was too excessive to endure long, and before Sir Charles was ready to perform his part in the final scene, I felt the dear boy's discharge poured into me, as his head sank upon my back and his convulsive grasp of my throbbing instrument relaxed. I retained him in this position for a few seconds longer, while the fierce heaves of Sir Charles, driving his steed to and fro mongolian reality sexvids for free in the delicious field of battle, testified to the soul-stirring effect that had been produced mongolian reality sexvids for free upon him and soon relieved his high mettled charger of a women caught master bating porno pictures for free portion of his superabundant fluid. Then withdrawing from Frank, he laid him down on the bed, and again renewed his caresses which very soon reanimated the slightly drooping head of his darling charmer. We agreed, however, that it would be better to allow Frank to be passive in the next encounter, and accordingly I took the centre position, and entering Frank's delicious rear, I exposed my own to be breached by the enormous battering ram of Sir Charles.

The assault, however, was not nearly so terrible, and with a little care I free porno sex pictures for hage monastry big cock now contrived to take it all in, and speedily enjoyed the felicity of feeling its throbbing pulsation beating within me over mongolian reality sexvids for free the whole extent of the cavity which it so completely filled up. Frank's charming receptacle for my own heaving instrument was of that pleasing elasticity that I should not have discovered it had ever once been invaded by a larger weapon than my own, and the voluptuous sensations it produced upon my burning member as, excited to the highest pitch and swollen to the utmost extension, the fiery dart was plunged in and out of the burning furnace, were most exquisite.

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