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And afterwards, when they had been quite still, the woman had to uncover the man again, to look at the mystery of the phallus.

"And now he's tiny, and soft like a little bud of life!" she said, taking the soft small penis in her hand. And so lovely and innocent!" And she held the penis soft in her hand. "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in kindred love," he said. "Even when he's soft and little I feel my heart simply tied to him. quite, quite different!" "That's John Thomas' hair, not mine!" he said. John Thomas!" and she quickly kissed the soft penis, that was beginning to stir again. "Ay!" said the man, stretching his body almost painfully. Ay, he's got a will of his own, an' it's hard to suit him. Yet I wouldn't have him killed." "No wonder men have always been afraid of him!" she said, "He's rather terrible." The quiver was going through the man's body, as the stream of consciousness again changed its direction, turning downwards. And he was helpless, as the penis in slow soft undulations filled and surged and rose up, and grew hard, standing there hard and over-weening, in its curious towering fashion. Sharp soft waves of unspeakable pleasure washed over her as he entered her, and started the curious molten thrilling that spread and spread till she was carried away with the last, blind flush of extremity.

He heard the distant hooters of Stacks Gate, for seven-o'clock. He shivered a little, and with his face between her breasts pressed her soft breasts up over his ears, to deafen him.

She lay perfectly still, her soul washed transparent. "Seven-o'clock blowers a bit sin'." "I suppose I must." She was resenting, as she always did, the compulsion from outside.

"I want you to keep me, not to let me go," she said. His eyes seemed full of a warm, soft darkness that could not think. Then I want to come and live with you always, soon." He sat naked on the bed, with his head dropped, unable to think. Then with the same eyes darkened with another flame of consciousness, almost like sleep, he looked at her. A woman's a lovely thing when 'er's deep ter fuck, and cunt's good. Ah luv thee, thy legs, an' th' shape on thee, an' th' womanness on thee. Now let me be, let me be!" And softly, he laid his hand over her teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free mound of Venus, on the soft brown maiden-hair, and himself sat still and naked on the bed, his face motionless in physical abstraction, almost like the teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free face of Buddha. Motionless, and in the invisible flame of another consciousness, he sat with his hand on her, and waited for the turn. After a while, he reached for his shirt and put it on, dressed himself swiftly in silence, looked at her once as she still lay naked and faintly golden like a Gloire de Dijon rose on the bed, and was gone. He called from the foot of the stairs: "Half-past seven!" She sighed, and got out of teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free bed. Nothing in it at all but the small chest of drawers and the smallish bed. And in the corner by the window gable was a shelf with some books, and some from a circulating library. There were books about bolshevist Russia, books of travel, a volume about the atom and the electron, another about the composition of the earth's core, and the causes of earthquakes: then a few novels: then three books on India. The sun fell on her naked limbs through the gable window. The hazel-brake was misted with green, and dark-green dog's-mercury under. It was a clear clean morning, with birds flying and triumphantly singing. If only there weren't the other ghastly world of smoke and iron! She teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free came downstairs, down the steep, narrow wooden stairs.

Still she would be content with this little house, if only it were in a world of its own. Only lend me a comb." She followed him into the scullery, and combed her hair before the handbreadth of mirror by the back door. She stood in the little front garden, looking at the dewy flowers, the grey bed of pinks in bud already. "I would like to have all the rest of the world disappear," she said, "and live with you here." "It won't disappear," he said. They went almost in silence through the lovely dewy wood. "I want soon to come and live with you altogether," she said as she left him. She got home teen hollywood hot fuck sex full movie playes free quietly and unremarked, and went up to her room.

CHAPTER XV There was a letter from Hilda on the breakfast tray. "Father is going to London this week, and I shall call for you on Thursday week, June 17th. I don't want to waste time at Wragby, it's an awful place. I shall probably stay the night at Retford with the Colemans, so I should be with you for lunch Thursday. Then we could start at teatime, and sleep perhaps in Grantham. It is no use our spending an evening with Clifford. If he hates your going, it would be no pleasure to him." So!

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