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Many of our authorities are writing of an age in which ragazzine nude hot xxx men and women spoke and acted in a manner which to-day seems coarse and inexcusably free. Because in the past woman more readily gave outward expression to her inward feeling, it does not follow now that, by reason of her greater reserve, she lacks these emotions. History has shown us psychologists and investigators in plenty, but they were not the psychologists of to-day, recording the results of their investigations with meticulous care and detail. The sexually frigid woman, we can confidently assume, was by no means unknown to the ancients.

She was, however, unusual, abnormal; and if a sexually frigid woman be accounted abnormal, it is not hard to see why a normal is deemed erotic.

In these times, when it is the fashion to dissect everyone and everything, we are prone to argue from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from the peculiar to the general; sexual frigidity in woman, at first an anomaly, ends in being a trait; the exception becomes, does melanie lynskey nud porn video xxx not prove, the rule. Needless to say, a great psychologist like Havelock Ellis has a wealth of information to offer on the subject, and we commend our readers to his masterly handling of it. He has something to say on every aspect of the question, from the case of the woman who is cold almost to the point of melanie lynskey nud porn video xxx sexlessness to that of the erotic wife who ‘becomes frenzied with excitement during intercourse and insensible to everything but the pleasure of it.’ In conclusion, he adjusts the scales with exquisite and scientific precision, holding that ‘the distribution of the sexual impulse between the two sexes is fairly balanced.’ Earlier on, however, he makes a point which we shall do well to bear in mind. Sexual impulse is by no means so weak in women as many would lead us to think. It would appear that, whereas in earlier ages there was generally a tendency to credit women with an unduly large share of the sexual impulse, there is now a tendency unduly to minimise the sexual impulse in women.’ We shall have frequent occasion in subsequent volumes of _Anthologica Rarissima_ to return to this subject, for, as the student of folk-lore, psychology and human life will readily agree, sexual impulse is perhaps the most powerful basic motive of our many daily acts and tasks.[74] [74] Queen Budur’s remark that “Women pray pardon with their legs on high,” (p.

88 _ante_), finds an echo in Aristophanes’ _Lysistrata_ and _The Ecclesiazus?_. In the former play, Athenian women promise Lysistrata that, if forced to intercourse by their husbands, _they will not lift their legs in the air_; in the latter, we have a woman saying: “How are we going to lift up our arms in the Assembly (_i.e._, vote), we, who only know how to lift our legs in the act of love?” Two of the authorities quoted by Havelock Ellis on p. 97 of the foregoing _Excursus_ merit further brief mention. Martin Schurig, author of _Parthenologia_ and numerous other medical works, flourished as a physician in Dresden between 1688 and 1733. Although many of his theories have long since been exploded, his great erudition is much to be admired.

His books deal with the most amazing questions; among the many curious passages in _Parthenologia_ will be found the following: “Chastity put to the proof by a hot iron and boiling water.”; “Conception without insertion of the _penis_.”; “Andramytes, King of the Lydori, was the inventor of castration of women, and Semiramis of that of men.” Dr. Sinibaldus’ _Geneanthropeia_, published in 1642, is a very remarkable work on physical love and its aberrations, treating, for example, of “The shape of the Phallu.”; “Eunuchis.”; “Aphrodisiac.”; “Influence of the Stars on Copulatio.”; “Effects and manner of Copulatio.”; “Pleasure of Copulation as enjoyed by man and woman.” Little is known of Sinibaldus’ life beyond that he was a doctor at Rome. His _Geneanthropeia_, according to Pisanus Fraxi, (_Index Librorum Prohibitorum_: London, 1877), has been rendered, in a very emasculated form, into English, under the title of _Rare Verities.

The volume is rare, but a copy is to be found in the British Museum. THE FOOL.[75] [75] _Kruptadia_: Heilbronn, Henninger Freres, 1883: vol. A peasant and his wife had a half-witted son, who pictured himself married and melanie lynskey nud porn video xxx sleeping with his wife. When it doth reach there, I melanie lynskey nud porn video xxx will marry thee.” The son seized his yard with his two hands, stretched it with all his strength, and inspected it. The youth had naught to do but lengthen his yard; and he did it so often and so melanie lynskey nud porn video xxx well that not only did his yard reach to his backside, but even passed beyond it. “I shall have no shame in sleeping with my wife,” said he. She will have no need to resort to strangers.” “Vain to expect sense on the part of a fool,” argued the father to himself; and he spake his son, saying: “Since thy yard is become so great that it passeth beyond thy backside, there is no need for thee to marry. Live single, rest at home, and futter thyself.” Thus the matter ended.[76] [76] Stories of sexual ignorance, amounting in the case of men to veritable imbecility, are numerous in _Kruptadia_. X., _Stories of Picardy_, we have the tale of a young girl who had been seduced, but had married a half-witted youth, whom she was forced to instruct in the art of love. When they were in bed together, “she showed him how children are made--a business entirely unknown to him. After the explanations had been given in theory, the husband mounted upon his wife, desiring to show that he had learned his lesson well; but the young wife cried out in surprise: ‘’Tis too high!

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