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“I suppose, Charles, after what you saw in the closet, you know what this is meant to do.” I muttered out an indistinct reply that I did, and I hung down my erotic naked monica bellucci blushing face.

“You have never put it into a lady, have you?” “Oh! dear no, ma’am.” “Would you like to do so?” I did not answer, but sheepishly held down my head.

“Did you see what I had in the same place, when you were in the closet?” I muttered, erotic hot naked teen videos “Yes, ma’am.” “Would it afford you any pleasure to see it again?” “Oh, yes; so much!” Mrs. rose, went to the window, drew down the blind, then gently turned the key in the door.

Returning to the chair, and drawing well up her dress, petticoats and chemise, she exposed all her person up to the middle of her belly; erotic naked monica bellucci erotic naked monica bellucci and sat down stretching herself backwards, and opening her thighs well. “Well, my dear boy, look at it if you wish.” I was no longer shy.

Nature prompted me to an act of gallantry that gratified the lady immensely. Falling on my knees, I glued my lips to the delicious spot, pushing my tongue in as far as I could, and sucked it. had fucked her two or three times just before leaving. The attack was as unexpected as it was delightful to the lady. She placed both hands on my head and pressed my face against her throbbing cunt. She was evidently hotly excited, not only by what I was then doing, but by the scene, the conversation, and the handling of my prick, which she had been indulging in. She wriggled her bottom nervously below me, I continued to greedily lick her moist and juicy cunt. dear Charles, what exquisite delight you are giving me. oh!” And she pressed my face more fully into the big muscle women fucking erotic naked headscissors gaping sheath, and thrusting her bottom up at the same time, spent right erotic naked monica bellucci into my mouth, over my cheeks, chin, and neck. Her thighs closed convulsively round my head, and erotic naked monica bellucci for some moments she remained still. I continued to lick away, and swallowed the delicious spunk that still flowed from her. you darling Charles, I love you for ever; but get up, it is now my turn to give you a taste of the exquisite pleasure you have given me.” I raised myself, and she drew me to her, and gave me a long kiss, licking her own sperm from off my lips and cheek; and desiring me to thrust my tongue into her mouth, she sucked it deliciously, while her soft hand and erotic naked monica bellucci gentle fingers had again sought, found, and caressed my stiff-standing prick.

She then desired me to lay myself on the floor, with three pillows to raise my head, and lifting up all her petticoats, and striding across me, with her back to my face, she knelt down, then stooping forward, she took my standing prick in her mouth, and at the same time monica bellucci hd nude wallpapers lowering her buttocks, brought her beautiful cunt right over and down upon my mouth, the pillows exactly supporting my head at the proper level, to command a thorough enjoyment of the whole, which now I had completely before my eyes. In the former sucking my own position hid everything from view beyond the rich mass of hair adorning her splendid mount of Venus, which I found to be much more abundant than it had appeared to me when I had seen it from the closet. When I applied my lips to the delicious gap, I found that she had the most beautiful silky light curls running up to and around her charming pink bottom-hole, and losing themselves in the chink between the buttocks. I applied myself furiously to the delicious gash, and sucked and thrust my tongue in alternately. I could see by the nervous twitching of her buttocks, and the bearing down of her whole bottom on my face, how much she was enjoying it.

One hand gently frigged the lower portion of my prick, while the other played with my balls, and her beautiful mouth, lips, and tongue sucked, pressed, and tickled the head of my excited prick. The more furiously I sucked her cunt, the more her lips compressed the head of my pego, and her tongue sought to enter the urethra, giving me almost overpowering delight. Such reciprocal efforts soon brought on the extatic crisis, I cried out: “Oh, lady! let me go; I am dying!” She knew well enough what was coming, but she had her own erotic naked monica bellucci way, and at the instant that she again poured down upon my mouth and face a plenteous discharge, her own rosy mouth received a torrent of my sperm.

For some minutes we lay mutually breathless and exhausted.

rose, shook down her clothes, assisted me to rise, and taking me in her arms, and pressing me lovingly to her bosom, told me I was a dear charming fellow, and had enraptured her beyond measure. She then embraced me fondly, kissing my mouth and eyes, and desiring me to give her my tongue, sucked it so sweetly.

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