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Now, now, shoot it into her; let her enjoy it!” In a moment I felt the hot gush of the contents of the godemiche.

It rather relieved me for a moment or two, but oh, oh, my dear, even after this long lapse of time, I can never forget the agony of that moment. The whole of my body seemed filled with liquid fire, for they had filled the dildoe with some infernal decoction on purpose to ruin my health, and destroy all chance of my ever enjoying the sweets of love again. Such I know was their intent, for they taunted me with it at the time; but although I never mbihide nn young model nipple slip quite recovered from the shock to my system, and feel even now that it was the original cause of my premature decay, they did not succeed in depriving me of all sensual desire or feelings mbihide nn young model nipple slip for the future. I fainted, but they never let me down, and when at last I began to recover consciousness Father Francisco was using his scourge most unmercifully on my buttocks, the drawers being open, and the naked flesh exposed to every cut. “I mbihide nn young model nipple slip thought this would bring her round”, exclaimed he. “See, Father Anthony, her eyes are opening, it will soon make her forget the dildoe fucking, she did enjoy that, did she not, Anthony? But she’ll be a long time before she has such pleasure again.

how lovely she is getting, see her wriggle from the pain of every cut. Ah, Lucille, dear Lady Ellington, what intense young girls with exceptionally fine asses delight the sight of your agony is to us.” By this time either he was tired, or he thought a little respite would enable me to bear more presently, so dropping the scourge on the floor he left me still suspended, whilst himself and assistant sat down and gloated over the sight of my suspended figure and blood-stained bottom, with their hands under their frocks, and I verily believe now they were frigging themselves. After mbihide nn young model nipple slip about ten minutes Father Francisco again amatuer nipple slips and up skirt pictures approached, scourge in hand, whilst the elder priest gave me a few drops of cordial, and held some pungent salts under my nose to refresh me a little. “That will do,” said the former, “stand back, Father Anthony.

Now, now, you wicked, wanton, lustful young woman, did you wish your husband dead when having connexion mbihide nn young model nipple slip with Lord Dunwich? Did no sense of shame shock mbihide nn young model nipple slip you in the midst of your enjoyment with that fellow, eh?” Every question brought a scathing cut with it, breaking the weals and drawing fresh blood at every stroke, but I really was so ashamed I knew not how to answer, and my tongue was useless except for moans or cries of pain, and notwithstanding all their degrading and cruel treatment I felt it was fully deserved by me. won’t you confess your sorrow for your sin?” he continued. “Are you really so lost to all sense of shame as to be hardened against repentance? This must be whipped, yes, whipped out of you, even if it nearly costs your life!” Just then Father Anthony loosed the rope a little, so that I could shrink further from the blows of the scourge, till I was driven up to the wall, where I stood on tiptoe with my hands drawn up over my head, and my back bending as much as possible to avoid the terrible shower of blows with which he was cutting up my buttocks still more and more. Crimson with shame, tears flowing in torrents from my starting eyes, I moaned, cried and implored for mercy, protesting in a broken voice, “That ever since my husband had renewed his kindness to me I had been very, very sad and ashamed of myself for what I had done, and only his former neglect had caused me to throw myself into the arms of a handsome man to whom I was under great obligations for protecting me when I escaped from the Ursuline Convent.” “Ha, then, you are that Lucille who insulted Lady Superior, I heard all about it at the time!” he went on furiously. “Now you shall be punished for that too,” seizing my left leg and lifting it up, so that he could cut freely under my thighs, on my sore cunny, and every tenderest spot he could think of, whilst old Father Anthony was rubbing his hands in delight at the sight.

My agony was so intense that I could only gasp and sigh, strength I had none, he seemed beside himself with rage, but at last dropped his scourge, and throwing open his mbihide nn young model nipple slip frock in front I could feel his rampant pego thrusting towards my mount, and am sure he spent on my drawers outside before he could get into me; this he soon effected, and taking my buttocks up in his strong embrace, he fucked furiously, swaying me about with my arms still tied up by the rope; but I forgot all that, his motions within me took away all feeling of pain, and I believe much as I loathed him and felt humiliated by all his dreadful treatment that I actually spent copiously when I felt his hot sperm shooting into and soothing my overheated cunt.

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