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_“To be the slave of a woman, a beautiful woman, whom I love, girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked whom I worship.”_ “And who on that account maltreats you,” interrupted Wanda, laughing. “Yes, who fetters me and whips me, treads me underfoot, the while she gives herself to another.” “And who in her wantonness will go so far as to make a present of you to your successful rival when driven insane by jealousy you must meet him face to face, who will turn you over to his absolute mercy. This final tableau doesn’t please you so well?” I looked at Wanda frightened. “You surpass my dreams.” “Yes, we women are inventive,” she said, “take heed, when you find your ideal, it might easily girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked happen, that she will treat you more cruelly than you anticipate.” “I am afraid that I have already found my ideal!” I exclaimed, burying my burning face in her lap. “Not I?” exclaimed Wanda, throwing off her furs and moving about the room laughing. She was girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked still laughing as I went downstairs, and when I stood musing in the yard, I still heard her peals of laughter above. * * * * * “Do you really then expect me to embody your ideal?” Wanda asked archly, when we met in the park to-day.

The most antagonistic emotions were battling within me. In the meantime she sat down on one of the stone-benches, and played with a flower. “Once more I beg you to become my wife, my true and loyal wife; if you can’t do that then become the embodiment of my ideal, absolutely, without reservation, without softness.” “You know I am ready at the end of a year to give you my hand, if you prove to be the man I am sexy college girls full naked fucking and kissing seeking,” Wanda replied very seriously, “but I think you would be more grateful to me if through me you realized your imaginings.

Well, which do you prefer?” “I believe that everything my imagination has dreamed lies latent in your personality.” “You are mistaken.” “I believe,” I continued, “that you enjoy having a man wholly in your power, torturing him—” “No, no,” she exclaimed quickly, “or perhaps—.” She pondered. “I don’t understand girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked myself any longer,” she continued, “but I girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked have a confession to make to you. You have corrupted my imagination and inflamed my blood. The enthusiasm with which you speak of a Pompadour, a Catherine the Second, and all the other selfish, frivolous, cruel women, carries me away and takes hold of my soul. It urges me on to become like those women, who in spite of their vileness were slavishly adored during their lifetime and still exert a miraculous power from their graves. “You will end by making of me a despot in miniature, a domestic Pompadour.” “Well then,” I said in agitation, “if all this is inherent in you, give way to this trend of your nature. If you can’t be a true and loyal wife to me, be a demon.” I was nervous from loss of sleep, and the proximity of the beautiful woman affected me like a fever. I no longer recall what I said, but I remember that I kissed her feet, and finally raised her foot and put my neck under it. “If you love me, Severin,” she said quickly, and her voice sounded sharp and commanding, “never speak to me of those things again.

Otherwise I might really—” She smiled and sat down again. “I adore you so infinitely that I am willing to suffer anything from you, for the sake of spending my whole life near you.” “Severin, once more I warn you.” “Your warning is vain. Do with me what you will, as girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked long as you don’t drive me away.” “Severin,” replied Wanda, “I am a frivolous young woman; it is dangerous for you to put yourself so completely in my power. You will end by actually becoming a plaything to me. Who will give warrant that I shall not abuse your insane desire?” “Your own nobility of character.” “Power makes people over-bearing.” “Be girls sexing and humping also tongue kissing naked it,” I cried, “tread me underfoot.” Wanda threw her arms around my neck, looked into my eyes, and shook her head.

“I am afraid I can’t, but I will try, for your sake, for I love you Severin, as I have loved no other man.” * * * * * To-day she suddenly took her hat and shawl, and I had to go shopping with her. She looked at whips, long whips with a short handle, the kind that are used on dogs.

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