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I had often seen it palpitating under the vigorous attacks of my stiff-standing pego, while belabouring either of the delicious entrances to the temples of lust. I had often given her glorious hot sexy beautiful naked hottest university houston austin girls nude naked country girls girls girls bottom good sound slaps of the hand, but I longed to apply to it in earnest a good birch rod, see it flush to a raw meat hue, and then to shove my prick with the utmost force into either or both of the delicious orifices. I thought the best way of arriving at this desired object was to recur to her own description of a less severe flogging exciting the passions with pain; and as she had also admitted that it excited her equally to be flogger or flogee, I proposed that she hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls should exercise a gentle discipline on my bottom, to try its efficacy. She jumped at the idea, but there was no rod in her room, perforce the ceremony was put off until the next night. On that occasion, she advised me first to indulge in every excess of lubricity, and when nature should begin to flag, then the real efficacy of the rod would be experienced. She aided me with the utmost skill in every act of most voluptuous and luxurious venery, and we mutually poured down six tributes to our blessed Mother Venus, with very little cessation, for we both wished to feel somewhat exhausted, before trying the effects of the birching system. We lay quiet for a short time, and then dear Miss Frankland began exciting me, but only in an ordinary way.

My prick had already been too well satiated with the previous encounters to respond at once to the calls made on it. “Ah,” said she, in her sweetest way, “I see we want the rod here. Prepare yourself, sir, and take care to make no resistance, or it will be the worse for your bottom.” Following her cue, I began to implore pity, to promise I would behave better in short time, etc., etc. But she hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls was inexorable, and ordered me to lie across her knees. Then, taking me round the waist, she gave a smart cut or two, really sharp, that made me for the moment wince.

“Take care, sir, you are resisting, and you know your punishment will be severe, if you so continue.” “Forgive me, mistress dear, and I will never do so again.” “We shall see.” Cut three, sharp, hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls though not so severe. that is something like a good boy, now we shall have no difficulty.” She began a series of less and less severe blows, until it ended in a gentle irritable titillation which very shortly began to show its effects by the stiffness of my pego—fiercely shoving against the naked thigh of my loved castigator, who, passing a hand round my body, laid hold of it, delighted to find how efficacious her proceedings had been. Pretending to be quite exhausted, she sank back on the bed, and said she could do no more. I sprang upon her, and we had two more _coups_ without withdrawing, with sexy naked girls happy in the shower sucking dick the greatest excess of voluptuousness. It was now my turn, and as she let me slip out of her delicious cunt, I took that up as a cause of dissatisfaction. you naughty girl,” I cried, “is that the way you treat your master, bundling him out of his room in that manner; here, give me the rod, I must make your bottom pay for your ill conduct—here, kneel on this footstool, and lay your body over my thighs, no resistance, or it will be the worse for you.” “Oh! pray, sir, do forgive me this time,” and she knelt at my side, and pretended to cry. I forced her down, and she presented her glorious backside, in all its splendour of rotundity and size, before my delighted gaze. I seized her round the waist, and first gloated my sight with all the full and lascivious charms, not only displayed, but in my power, and I armed with a splendid rod. I gave her two or three sharp cuts, which made her beauteous buttocks wriggle, but called forth no remonstrances; but as I continued, in all the rage of hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls lust the exercise excited, to flog away most severely, she begged me to be somewhat more gentle. But I flogged on with increased vigour, until she began to writhe under the severity of the punishment I was inflicting.

She struggled fiercely, at last, to be free, but she was completely in my power, and I did not spare her until I saw that, changing from severe pain, hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls her feelings were turning to a storm of lechery and lust. She became frantic with excitement, and screamed out— “Cease, darling Charlie, and fuck me directly. I am dying for it.” I threw down the rod, jumped on the bed, and drew up her loins, so that she was placed in a kneeling position; she herself seized my bursting prick, and carried it to the lips of her hot sexy beautiful naked country girls girls girls cunt, where he instantly engulphed himself to the hilt.

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WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES and their lands lay and found Ellen, who looked as if she expected me to find.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.