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I first glued my sexy black vigirn fat ass woman showing good pussy lips to the open cunt, thrust my chin in, and then my tongue, as far as I could reach, licking the luscious moisture which our previous handlings had excited; it was as sweet and delicious as cream. This stimulated her very much, and she closed the sides of her cunt upon my tongue so closely as to give it a good squeeze. I never saw a woman but her, who had such a wonderful power in that way. My nose actually felt it was reciprocating the pressures of the cunt, so I changed the venue, and slipped my tongue into her bottom-hole, evidently to her excessive delight. But things were approaching a crisis, and she cried to me to take her clitoris in my mouth, and substitute fingers in both the other orifices.

This I quickly did, while she sucked and postillioned me, handling the root of my prick, and my buttocks with the delicious gentle titillations in which she had such skill, until, in an excess of joy, we both poured a tribute of sperm into each other’s mouths, and both greedily swallowed it. After this we got into bed again, to have one loving cuddle before parting. Of course, it ended in raising such a storm of desire as a fuck could only allay—she said— “My loved Charlie, this must really be the last.” fat granny fat pussy blogger I told her it had so excited me to see her splendid bum before my eyes when we were on the floor that I should like to kneel fat granny fat pussy blogger fat granny fat pussy blogger behind and put it in that way. I really meant into her cunt, but she thought I meant her bottom-hole, and said— “Well, you are a strange boy, what on earth made you think you could put that great big thing of yours into my bottom-hole; but, to tell you the truth, after being well fucked, I rather like it that way, so you shall try, but you must be gentle in getting in.” I said, “I did not know I could do it that way with my prick, I meant to put it into your cunt from behind, but now, from what you say, I should like to try what the other is like.” You see, I was keeping up my apparent ignorance. She turned on her face, and keeping her head on the pillow, drew up her knees to her belly and exposed to the greatest advantage her glorious backside. I knelt behind, but previous to beginning, I glued my lips to the delicious orifice, and shoved my tongue in as far as I could, and deliriously excited her. Then approaching my stiff-standing prick, and thrusting it into her cunt up to the roots two or three times, so as thoroughly to lubricate it, I withdrew and placed it before the smaller temple of lust; then, by a gentle uniform pressure, I gradually and almost imperceptibly glided in to the utmost extent.

She pushed her bottom out, and, I could feel, was straining as if to void something, which is the real method to accelerate the entrance of a prick in that enchanting channel with the least difficulty and pain. We then commenced a slow movement—she wanted me to stoop forward and place my arm round her body, and frig her clitoris, but I begged her to do it herself, and allow me the luxury of looking on the delightful wriggling of her superb backside, and also the sight of my own prick surging in and then withdrawing. Her bottom-hole had hardly so tight a pressure as she could exercise with her cunt, but, nevertheless, it held me in very firmly, and had a peculiar heat which was most exciting. We both died off together, she so completely overcome with ecstatic delight that her body sank flat on the bed, drawing me with her, without unsheathing my fat granny fat pussy blogger weapon. We lay for a short period, she convulsively shuddering from time to time with the intense degree of excitement this delicious route had produced upon her.

She assisted me in my ablutions, put on my nightshirt, conducted me to my bed, fondly kissed and thanked me for the exquisite night of every species of delight I had conferred upon her, promising a repetition the following night.

She left me and locked the door of communication, but previously unlocked mine, in case I should oversleep myself. Thus ended the first delightful night I ever passed with that most charming and deliciously lascivious fat granny fat pussy blogger woman—the first of many scores that followed, but in none fat granny fat pussy blogger of which were her raptures more intense, if as much. She ever after dwelt on the night when she had been the happy means of initiating me into all love’s mysteries, for she never knew of my previous experiences, and always plumed and prided herself on being my first instructress. The next day I was somewhat somnolent, of which you may be sure Miss Frankland took no notice. She retired to her own room when we went for our recreation. My sisters scolded fat granny fat pussy blogger me for not coming to them the previous night, but I told them that Miss F. had continued to move about her room for so long a time that I had fallen fast asleep, and even then had not had enough, as they might have observed how sleepy I had been all day. However, to satisfy them, I gamahuched them both, and fucked them both while each was giving the other a second gamahuche, so that then each spent three times to my twice.

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Almost awe, terror excited was sure _Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry_, 1896). Darling boy, I already love you as if you were indeed my son.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.