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Telling me I had made her taste of the joys of heaven, she kissed me, and then drunk malayala hot girls sex burst into a hysterical flood of tears. I comforted her as best I could and asked why she wept. “I don’t know, dear Charles, but the last time made me feel both sick and faint just after you had given me such ecstasy as I never dreamt was possible. I believe I then fainted, and even now, I don’t know why but I feel quite hysterical.” I kissed her tenderly, begged her to rise and come to the spring, where she could drink and said if she sat down on her feet I would bathe and cool her dear little cunt, which would probably put all to rights. She did so, and was quickly quite restored to herself again.

“But it did not hurt me, dear Charles, it only gave me too much pleasure; but you will do it to me another really drunk irish sex time whenever we have any opportunity, will you not, dear Charlie?” I assured her I should always be too glad to do so, but that we must neither let her aunt nor Harry know of our proceedings. This being arranged, and she having quite recovered from the pallor her fainting fit had caused, we resumed our course homeward, and so hurried on that Harry, who had come to meet us found us getting over the stile of the last field, and was even disappointed that we had got so far, for we were now in sight of the cottage. He had hoped to find us much further back, and that I might have favoured his having a go at his cousin before reaching home. I said it was just as well as it was, for any imprudence might have awakened his mother’s suspicions, and prevented a night of pleasure, which would be far better than any uncomfortable field affair.

When we arrived at home, mamma thought that Ellen looked fatigued, beautiful malayalam sexi ladies legs photo and advised her to go and lie down on her bed, and take an hour’s siesta.

She told us boys we had better do the same, as she had some private matters to attend to. Harry and I saw immediately what was meant, and we betook ourselves to our respective rooms, I to expect mamma, who did not fail to come, and Harry to watch her, and then made the most of the opportunity with his cousin. I quickly undressed, and when mamma came I found she had divested herself of stays and undergarments; so when she undid her gown, and let fall her shift, she stood in all the naked glory of her beautiful form. Both our hands wandered and being both in full heat, we were at it in a moment fast and furious. I drove on, admirably seconded by dear mamma, and we quickly both gave down at the same instant a most delicious libation on the altar of Venus, and then died away in all the after-enjoyment.

We lay for nearly a quarter of an hour soaking in the delicious bliss of satisfied desire. Mamma, on coming to her senses, kissed me most tenderly, and declared drunk malayala hot girls sex she had never believed it possible that she could have had such mexican girls having sex big boobs exquisite delight. “But then, my dear Charles, I never dreamt that any man, let alone a boy like you, could be so magnificently hung. Oh, it is also such joy to me to think I have first taught you the real joys of coition, and tasted the first sweets of that most glorious weapon. My dear Charlie, I xxx video clips free download venezuela sexy girls must contemplate its beauties in this full light; withdraw the dear fellow and turn on drunk malayala hot girls sex your back.” I did so. She rose, and turning in the reverse position, brought her lovely foaming cunt right down on my mouth. I sucked up all the delicious foam oozing from the aperture.

Then drawing into my mouth her half-stiffened clitoris, which was then pendant like a little boy’s cock, I soon sucked it into its utmost rigidity, frigging her rich pouting cunt with two fingers, the while. She, on her part, was not idle, first playing with my prick, covering and uncovering its head, which soon made it stand up in all of its glory.

Then getting too excited for mere admiration, she took it in her mouth and sucked it, and manipulated it with one hand, fingering my codpiece with the other. I then found her fingers were feeling and tickling my bottom-hole. She took her mouth from off my prick, and paused a moment; then again applied her finger to my fundament, and made it gently penetrate as far as it would go. The previous pause had evidently been for the purpose of moistening her finger with her saliva that it might slip in easily. I drunk malayala hot girls sex was delighted to find that she had come to this, but pretending ignorance, I stopped my proceedings to ask her what she was doing to my bottom, which could give me such exquisite delight. “It is my finger, my dear Charles, my late husband was always delighted with my doing this, and used also to add greatly drunk malayala hot girls sex to my pleasure by doing the same to me.” “Shall I do so to you, dear mamma?” “Oh, yes, my darling boy; moisten your finger first and then do drunk malayala hot girls sex it in my bottom-hole, as you have been doing drunk malayala hot girls sex it in my cunt.” “But I think I can do both at the same time, they are so close together.” “You are a delightful darling; do so, and it will be double pleasure to me.” So I immediately commenced to postillion her to her and my extreme gratification.

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