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Evelyn, slept in the spare bedroom with which my room communicated. Nevertheless, we met and carried on our amorous sports with bated breath and suppressed sighs. We had of late often tried in our moments of greatest excitement to introduce my prick into her delicious tight little bottom-hole. Once, by a sudden manoeuvre, I managed to get in at the moment she was spending, and actually made an entrance as far as about two inches beyond the nut, and I think I should have fully succeeded at that time if my own excitement had not made me spend too soon. This oiled the way, and my prick, having already fucked several times, becoming too limp, the squeeze of her bottom actually forced him out, as if she were voiding herself naturally. I fancied that, at the moment, but for my too excited passion, she would have rather I had completely initiated her. However, the night preceding her marriage, I at last succeeded. She was on her knees, with her head on the pillow, and I on my knees, behind her; this was a favourite way of hers, as she declared I got further in, nay, seemed to touch her heart and fill her whole body; besides the frigging her clitoris and the action of my finger in her bottom-hole added greatly to the raptures this position gave her. She had been already well fucked, and we had mutually gamahuched each other, so her whole system was in a most excited and well-moistened state. Taking care to put two fingers at once into her bottom-hole, I worked them so as to stretch it as much as possible, while exciting her with my prick in her cunt, and a finger on download futeramaporn videos her clitoris. Just as she was going into the raptures of spending I dropped from my mouth a quantity of saliva onto her bottom-hole, and as she was pushing her buttocks back to me I suddenly withdrew my prick, and with one vigorous thrust housed him half his length in her delicious bum-hole. She almost cried out aloud at the suddenness of the attack, and would have flinched away but for the grasp of both my hands upon her hips; a more vigorous shove sent me up to the hilt against her beautiful buttocks. She whispered— “For heaven’s sake, dear Charles, do stop a moment, I can’t bear it, and must cry out if you do not be quiet for a time at least.” As I was safely fixed, it exactly suited me to remain still, for had I gone on, a push or two would have made me spend. Now fairly engulphed, I wished not only to fully enjoy it myself but, if possible, make her enjoy it too. So remaining quite still, as far as regarded download futeramaporn videos my prick, I stole one hand down to her clitoris, and began to excite that; the other I ran up to her bubbies, and played with the nipples, a download video from porn hub thing which I had found out excited her download futeramaporn videos almost as much as playing with her clitoris. Her download futeramaporn videos passions were soon reawakened, and the involuntary twistings of her loins and pressures of her sphincter convinced me that in a very short time I should work her up to the utmost; and so it was, and immensely she enjoyed both her own spend and mine when she felt my hot spunk shooting up into her very entrails. We sunk gently on our sides after this bout, but without unsheathing me; and here embracing, kissing and tonguing each other when xxx video clips free download venezuela sexy girls she turned her head, and sometimes sucking the nearest nipple to me, we soon once more download futeramaporn videos were in a state to renew our delicious combat; and a second course was run in the delightful callipygian recesses of Venus’s second temple of lubricity. This was our last bout, for, alas, it was getting the hour when the house would be all astir. My lovely mistress embraced me most tenderly, and acknowledged that I had at last taught her a new pleasure. She wept as she tore herself from my arms, and I wept too when she left me, as I thought I had now lost her for ever as a mistress, and what a charming one she had been to me! Morning came, and with it bridesmaids, bridegroom, and man. To church we all went, my sisters perfectly enchanted with the idea of being bridesmaids, and beautifully arrayed in new dresses.

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