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The young wife, when she perceived that her husband left her alone, felt remorse in that she had followed the counsels of the gossips; she aroused her husband, and told him that she no longer had a pain in the head. in another part.”[117] And he left his wife virgin as before. [117] “The text has a play upon words,” says the translator, “which could be translated if the French words had the same meaning as the Latin:--_Dixit (puella) se non amplius dolere caput. Tum ille: ‘At ego nunc doleo caudam.’_ (The girl said that she no longer had a pain in the head. Said the husband: ‘But I have a pain in my tail.’)” This note, we must confess, is a source of some mystification to us, since the relationship between the French and Latin words is both simple and direct.

_Cauda_, of course, is the Latin word for _tail_: in the erotic sense it designates the _penis_. (_C.f._ Blondeau: _Dictionnaire erotique latin-francaise_: Liseux: Paris, 1885.) The Italians use the word _coda_ in a similar sense. _Tail_, in French, is _queue_; in erotic literature it is also a highly common term for the _membrum virile_. (_C.f._ Landes: _Glossaire erotique de la langue francaise_, and Farmer: _Slang and its Analogues_.) Again, in English, _tail_ is a slang synonym either for the _penis_ or the female _pudendum_. _C.f._ Farmer: _Slang and its Analogues_, who gives numerous examples of the use of the word in this sense. We append a few of his quotations:--(1) Chaucer, _Cant.

Tales_, 6047-8: “For al so siker as cold engendreth hayl, A likerous mouth must deepthroat porn anatomy pics han a likerous TAYL.” (2) Rochester, _Poems_: “Then pulling out the rector of the females, Nine times he bath’d him in their piping tails.” (3) Motteux, _Rabelais_, V., xxi.: “They were pulling and hauling the man like mad, telling him that it is the most grievous ... thing deepthroat porn anatomy pics in nature for the TAIL to be on fire....” ‘Tis a good plan, therefore, to accept what may be profitable and pleasant when ‘tis offered. Quoting from Merard de Saint-Just, (_Espiegleries Joyeusetes_), Poggio’s translator gives a variant in verse of the foregoing story. We reproduce it in less ambitious English prose:-- “Pierre the Red, wrapped in his bed-clothes, felt himself stimulated by the burning flame of the god of love, and he invited his wife to come straightway to his arms. It chanced that she was praying, and she made reply: ‘Wait a while.’ And whilst her _Paters_ and her _Agnus’_ and her _Aves_ were accomplished, Pierre’s ardour had had time to grow cold. She entered the bed, but the chilled husband maintained his pretence. I have said my prayers.’--’Good,’ quoth Pierre the Red. ‘But I deepthroat porn anatomy pics have grown soft.’” FIRST MEETING BETWEEN A YOUTH deepthroat porn anatomy pics AND HIS FIANCEE.[118] [118] _Kruptadia_: Heilbronn: Henninger Freres, 1883: vol. Another old man had a daughter, a marriageable girl. “Ivanouchka,” said the father, “I desire thee to marry the daughter of our neighbour; approach her and discourse gently and courteously with her.” “Machoutka,” said the other old man, “I would give thee in marriage to the son of our neighbour; seek to meet him and have pleasant converse with him.” These two young persons deepthroat porn anatomy pics met in the street and greeted each other.

“Ivanouchka,” quoth the young girl, “my father hath bade me have pleasant discourse with thee.” “My father hath instructed me likewise,” answered the youth.

Where sleepest thou, Ivanouchka?” “In the hay.” “As for me,” quoth the girl, “I sleep in the coach-house.

Come this night to me, and we will hold pleasant converse together.” Thus it was. During the night Ivanouchka went and lay down with Machoutka. Hast thou seen the heap of dung?” “I have seen it.” “What shall we do now?”[119] [119] The young people are obviously nervous, and nude pics of porn stars getting fucked and moneing are making conversation. “I must see if thou hast a good instrument.” “Come, look,” said he, and undid his drawers. See how small is mine!” “Let me see if mine will go in.” And the youth set himself to make the trial; his yard rose up erect like a stake, and when he thrust it in, the young girl cried with all her might: “Ah! My yard hath not sufficient room; for that reason it is so angry.” “I told thee that there was not sufficient space for it.” “Wait--it will stretch.” Anon, when he made her to feel much pleasure, she said to him: “Ah! Thy riches are indeed worth much money.” They performed and fell asleep. But the girl awoke during the night, and kissed the backside of the young man, which she took for his face.

He let her do this to satiety, and the girl said to him: “Knowest thou, Vania, that thou smellest most scurvily!” THE BREAKER OF EGGS.[120] [120] Beroalde de Verville: _Le Moyen de Parvenir_: Paris, Gamier Freres; also _Fantastic Tales or The Way to Attain_: translated by Arthur Machen: Carbonnek, 1890. Our extract is a blend of both versions, though we have adhered more closely than Machen to the original text. Once on a time there lived alone in a lodging near St. ‘Twas at the time when the debate was running high ‘twixt the monks and the ministers whether ‘twere better to say: “Blessed are they that have dined well,” or, “Blessed are they that laugh.” The young man took but scant interest in these deepthroat porn anatomy pics theological discussions, and devoted his attention to the maid, who was a fine enough young thing, though somewhat green.

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For three whole days, was ever peering ‘neath his garment the peculiar soft the chess table, her little charming foot sought mine, rested on it, and pressed it from time to time. Country.

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