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Dance your ass off wikipedia

We should have had a third bout but for the necessity of her going down to her aunt. Again we had a delicious fuck, and a third when she came to make the bed and empty the slops. This third time I begged her to kneel on the sofa, and let me see her gloriously grand arse, and when I had to retire I would show her a way that would continue both our pleasure. So after fucking her from behind, and making her spend far oftener than me, I dance your ass off wikipedia withdrew, and pushing it up between the lips over the clitoris, with my hand round her waist, I pressed it tightly against her cunt and clitoris, and continued to wriggle my arse, made her spend again as I poured a flood all up over her belly. After this very shortly I proposed to push its nose into her bottom-hole, and just spend within. With reluctance at first, it ended in her not only liking the point there, but deliciously enjoying my whole dance your ass off wikipedia young girls with exceptionally fine asses prick within, and eventually it was always the receptacle of a first discharge induced by fucking, and a second fuck completely carried on in that more secret altar of lust. It soon happened that both sisters knew of the other enjoying me, and it ended in their slipping down from their attic, where both slept in the same bed, to my room, and we had most delicious fucking and double gamahuching. Ann was by far the finest and the most lascivious fuck, but little Jane had a certain charm of youth and also of freshness, which got her a fair share of my favours. We carried this on for several weeks until use made us careless and noisy. The aunt, when no lodgers occupied the room, slept overhead, and, probably being sleepless one morning, when it was early daylight, heard our voices, came down and surprised me in the very act of fucking Ann and gamahuching Jane, who stood above her and presented her cunt to my lecherous tongue.

A loud exclamation from their aunt roused us up at once.

“Get to bed, you dreadful hussies.” They fled without a moment’s dance your ass off wikipedia hesitation. Nichols then began to remonstrate with me on the infamy of my conduct. I approached the door apparently to get my shirt, for I was stark naked, but in fact to shut and lock my door, and then to turn on Mrs. Nichols, who apparently had quite forgotten she had only her short shift on, which not only allowed the full display of dance your ass off wikipedia very fine, firm, and ample bubbies, but not falling below the middle of her thighs, showed remarkably well made legs and small knees, with the swelling of immense thighs just indicated. My stiff-standing prick in full vigour, and if anything, still more stimulated by the unexpected beauties shown by Mrs. Nichols, I turned upon her and seizing her round the waist from behind, pushed dance your ass off wikipedia her forward, and before she could recover herself I had hauled up her “cutty sark,” seen a most magnificent arse, and into her cunt—not without somewhat painful violence, before she could recover from the surprise of the attack. She screamed out murder, but there was no one who could hear but the girls, and they knew better than to interrupt me. I kept fucking away in spite of cries, and passing an arm round her body, with my finger I got to dance your ass off wikipedia her clitoris, which sprang out into considerable proportions.

My dance your ass off wikipedia big prick and the frigging of her clitoris produced their natural result. I felt her cunt pressures, and knew how her passions were rising. Speedily, in place of resisting, she began to cry, “Oh, oh,” and breathe hard, and then most gloriously wriggled her splendid arse, and as I spent she too was taken in the delicious ecstasy of the final crisis. She lay throbbing on my delighted prick until it stood as stiff as before.

I began a slow movement, she made no resistance, except crying out, “Oh! dear,” as if in spite of regrets, she could not help enjoying it; indeed, at last she said— “Oh! Roberts; it is very wrong of you to do this, but I cannot resist enjoying it myself. It is years since I did such a thing, but as you have done it, it makes me wish you should do it again. Let us change position.” “Very well, but you must throw off this tiresome chemise, or I won’t withdraw.” As her lust was so excited, she made no objection, so withdrawing we stood up; she drew her shift over her head, and displayed a far more splendid form, with an exquisitely fair and dimpled skin, than I could have thought possible. Nichols, what a fine perfect form you have got, let me embrace you in my arms.” She was nothing loath, flattered by my praise. She laid hold of my cock with one hand, and closely clasped me with the other arm, while I threw an arm and hand round on her truly magnificent arse, and with my other hand pressed on a wonderful pair of bubbies as hard and firm as any maid of eighteen. Our mouths met in a loving kiss, our tongues exchanged endearments. She said— “You have made me very wicked, let me have this enormous and dear fellow again.” I said I must first gaze on all her beauties, especially on her gorgeous and enormous bottom.

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