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dear papa, do forgive me this time!” my face quite crimson and streaming with tears. Papa, having got out the rod, sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes a fine switch of long thin birch twigs, tied up with velvet and silk ribbons at sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes the handle,—“Come! Lucille, this resistance will only make it worse for you.” As he seized and threw me on the governess’s lap, Miss Birch securing my head well under her left arm, speedily pulled up dress and skirts, till my fat little bottom was exposed in a tight fitting pair of drawers, my legs being left to kick about, although I was quite firmly secured, and to all intents quite helpless, and my toes could scarcely touch the ground.

I could hear sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes papa whisking the birch about, and then he said, “That will do famously, Miss Birch, keep her head and shoulders well down as you hold up her skirts; much as I pity my darling little Lucille, I must do my duty and make her smart for her idleness in school.” My face was burning hot with the deep blushes of shame, and I struggled desperately to free my head from the vice-like pressure of Miss Birch’s arm, as I begged with piteous sobs to be let off for this once. pray don’t beat me!” Papa.—“Indeed, I must, though every blow will send a pang to my own heart, you naughty, bad, inattentive girl, all this has come by your great idleness, and trusting too much to the kind heart of your governess.” As he said this, three sharp stinging cuts whacked on my tight-fitting drawers in quick succession. The pain was intense, I kicked, writhed and screamed for “Mercy! Oh, Miss Birch, do let me go!” Papa, in quite an excited tone, (for I could see nothing), “So you mean to be good in future!

my little Lucille, you must have a little more yet to make sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes a perfect cure of your idleness.” Whack—whack—whack—whack—four more cuts, each one more agonizing than the last, in spite of my sobbing and screaming. “Now, Miss Birch,” he continued, “let her feel it on the bare flesh, open her drawers so we can see the effects of the cuts.” This was at once done, as I cried, “Ah!

It’s best to make her feel sore a few days, or she will soon forget it, and relapse into her old ways.” The drawers were unbuttoned, and sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes I could feel they were quite pulled down my thighs, exposing the entire surface of my smarting rump, but I had only a few moments for reflection before the blows fell again in rapid succession, cutting, tearing, and scratching the skin, whilst the boiling blood in my veins seemed to throb as if it must spurt through the pores at every burning touch of the rod. My head was pressed against the tumultuously heaving bosom of my governess, and notwithstanding the intensity of my suffering, I could plainly hear the beating of her heart, and knew that her thighs were tightly compressed together, whilst a strange tremor pervaded her entire frame. “There, there, that will do,” said Papa, in a very excited tone. Now, Miss Dunce, kneel and kiss the rod, sexy nude teens sexting pussy bent over ass holes and ask your kind governess to forgive you.” I slipped nude girls bent over playing with there pussy gifs down on my knees, and hiding my face in my hands in her lap, promised Miss Birch “if she would forgive me now, to be a better girl in future.” “That will do. I don’t want to be too hard upon Lucille this time. We will leave her to think over her disgrace and shame, and let her beware of the birch again,” said Papa, taking Miss Birch’s hand, to lead her from the room. “This has been a most agitating scene for your governess, who must repose in her private room for a while to recover herself.” The schoolroom door, which opened directly into her private room, was closed upon me, and the key turned in the lock, but all my hurts and bruises were insufficient to distract my attention from the peculiarly warm and excited glances which passed from papa towards my governess, whose face was suffused with blushes, and her eyes turned down, as if afraid to meet his ardent looks as they passed from the room. My curiosity was excited so much, that I listened at the keyhole. Papa was evidently remaining in the governess’s room.

I could hear a rustling of her dress, as if some little struggle was taking place; a sound of smothered kisses, and soft expostulatory ejaculations, such as, “I dare not!

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