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Nay, I imagine, that such a passion as you have felt, must make a man purchase the pleasures it affords at the expence of great uneasinesses.'----'I had some, madam, but I was fond of them. The least alteration which I remarked in her countenance, spread the alarm all over my soul.'----'What extravagance! Upon mature consideration, I conclude that it is better to love in the present fashionable way; to take a lover at one's ease, keep to him while he amuses, quit him when he becomes tiresome, or that our fancy speaks for another. Inconstancy affords a variety of pleasures unknown to you languishing folks.'----'I grant that that method may be proper enough for little kept mistresses and common women; but does not suit with a man of tenderness and delicacy. At most it may amuse him, when his heart is disengaged, and he is willing to make comparisons. In a word, a woman of gallantry is by no means of my taste.'----'You are in the right, my dear Amisadar, you have a ravishing way of thinking. But do you love any thing at present?'----'Nothing, madam, but yourself; and I dare not tell you so neither.'----'Ah! my dear, dare on: you may continue,' replied Fannia, gazing on him stedfastly. "Amisadar understood this reply thoroughly well, moved forward on the couch, fell to playing with a ribbon, which hung down on Fannia's breast, and he was not interrupted. His hand, meeting with no obstacle, slipt down lower.

She continued to fire him with glances, which he naked very young brunette girl teenagers creampied did not misinterpret. For my part," says the Toy, "I found, he was a sensible man. He took a kiss on hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs that neck, on which he had bestowed so many encomiums.

He was desired to stop, but in such a tone as plainly shewed that she would take it ill, if he obeyed; and accordingly he did not. He kissed her hands, returned to her neck, passed to her mouth: nothing resisted him.

He put his hand on it: it was soft, and Amisadar did not fail to remark it. By favor of this inattention, Amisadar's hand advanced, and with rapidity reached her knees.

The absence of mind still continued; and Amisadar was preparing for the charge, when Fannia came to herself. She accused the little philosopher of want of respect; but he became so absent in his turn, that he did not hear one word, or at least made no other answer to the reproaches she threw on him, but by compleating his happiness. Of the multitude of those, who preceded and followed him, not one was ever so much to my taste. I think I have spoken a pretty sufficient time, cute innocent very young little girl forced very young amateur boys with girls nude teen party fucked considering it is my first speech." Alonzo did not lose one single Word of Fannia's Toy; and he was no less impatient than Mangogul to hear the remaining part of the adventure: but neither of them had time to be out of patience, when the tale-telling Toy resumed in these words. "All that I can comprehend after serious consideration, is, that in some few days Amisadar went to the country, that he was asked the reason of his stay in town, and that he related his adventure with my mistress.

For somebody of Amisadar's and her acquaintance, passing by our door, enquired either by chance or design, if madam was at home, sent in his name, and went up.----'Ah! and how long are you here?'----'An age, my dear, this fortnight, that I have renounced society.' 'May I presume to ask, madam, upon what account?'----'Alas! Women cute innocent very young little girl forced fucked are become such strange libertines, that there is no bearing them. One must either do as they do, or cute innocent very young little girl forced fucked cute innocent very young little girl forced fucked pass for a silly creature; and sincerely, I think both cute innocent very young little girl forced fucked extremes should be avoided.'----'Indeed, madam, you are become quite edifying. Pray, is it the conversation of the Bramin Brelibibi, that has wrought your conversion?'----'No, 'tis a squall of philosophy, 'tis a quint of devotion. It seized me suddenly; and it is not poor Amisadar's fault that I am not at present practising the highest austerity.'----'Then madam has seen him lately?'----'Yes, once or twice.'----'And you have seen no body else.'----'No, truly. He is the only thinking, reasoning, active being, that has entered my doors during the eternity of my retreat.'----'That is singular'----'And what singularity is there in it?'----'Nothing but an adventure which he had the other day with a lady of Banza, alone like you, devout like you, retired from the world like you.

But I must tell you the story: perhaps it will amuse you.'----'Without doubt,' replied Fannia: and immediately Amisadar's friend set about relating his adventure word for word, as I have done," says the Toy: "and when he cute innocent very young little girl forced fucked was advanced as far as I am now.----'Well, madam,' said he, 'what do you think? Is not Amisadar a lucky man?'----'But,' answered Fannia, 'Amisadar is a lier perhaps: do you imagine that there are women so daring as to abandon themselves without shame?'----'But consider, madam,' replied Maruspha, 'that Amisadar has named no body, and it is very improbable that he has imposed'----'I begin to see thro' the affair,' says Fannia: 'Amisadar has wit, and is a handsome man, he has, to be sure, infused some notions of sensual pleasure sure into this poor recluse, which have mastered her. Yes, this must be it: this sort of folks are dangerous to hear, and Amisadar is matchless in that way.'----'How, madam,' interrupted Marsupha, 'is Amisadar the only man that has the art of perswading, and will you not do justice to others, who deserve, as much as he, a share in your esteem?---'Pray, whom do you mean?'----'Myself, madam, who think you a charming woman, and'----'I fancy you joke.

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