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“And so?” said the doctor, passing his hand gently and caressingly up and down the stiffened and throbbing little cock. “Yes, sir.” “And so, too, I’ll be bound,” pushing hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs back the foreskin off the head, and as quickly replacing it, several times. oh!” The boy’s feelings, as the doctor swiftly frigged his cock, began to be exquisite.

The doctor could not resist the temptation of bringing things to a crisis. Clasping the youth tightly with one arm, he continued his toying with the plaything in a quick exciting manner, apparently without reflecting upon hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs what he was about, uttering, at intervals— “Dear me,” and “how naughty it was of you; but how pretty she must have been to tempt you to do so, was it not?” The lovely youth was now in paradise. In the exquisite sensations of pleasure he felt he was losing all consciousness when the doctor suddenly stopped short and said— “This is indeed, a pretty piece of business, seducing your young hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs cousin; you must be cured of such doings in future by means of a good flogging with an excellent birch rod, and on this your saucy bottom.” Here he let fall the arm that had clasped the boy’s waist, and let his hand wander over the plump, hard, and lovely orbs.

The doctor now took up the rod which he had previously dropped to occupy his hand with the charming young prick he had just been so deliciously frigging. Shaking the rod angrily at the now trembling youth, he exclaimed, in a fierce voice— “Now, you young rascal, down, down on your knees, and beg to be flogged.” The poor boy was forced, trembling, to obey.

This over, the doctor commanded the delinquent to lie down across the sofa. Reluctantly he complied, but at last tiny young jailbait girls half naked in mini skirt he straddled across it with his snow-white plump backside fully bared to young virgin girls first time fucked gifs view, and a fair mark to the threatening rod. He looked like a young Adonis displaying his beauties to a satyr. The doctor was greatly excited at the lovely prospect, and gloated his eyes on the beautiful display, and, then and there, there sprang up a determination to fully enjoy the ravishing of these virgin charms before many weeks were over. Lifting the rod on high, he cried out— “Now, you young villain, I’ll teach you to look up young ladies’ petticoats again, I warrant.” Clasping him tight round the waist, the rod descended smartly on the lovely hillocks of the boy’s charming backside. Do pray forgive me!” screamed the beautiful youth, as he felt the stinging strokes descend on his hitherto virgin posteriors.

pray, sir, have mercy.” The doctor, whose erotic passions were fully aroused, was deaf to all his entreaties, and kept on flogging harder and harder, and faster and faster while the poor boy’s bottom bounded and tossed upon the sofa; but he was kept in a firm position by the strong arm of the doctor, who, to hold him the faster, had laid hold of the stiff cock still at full stand.

“No, no,” said he, “you shall not escape my cuts, I assure you,” cutting at the lovely delicate buttocks with all his might.

sir; mercy, mercy; I can’t bear it.” “You must bear it, you young rascal you shall have no mercy until I have made your bottom bleed for your crime.” The poor youth, from the pain he was suffering, bounded up and down on the sofa as he felt the stinging blows descend upon his bottom. This action caused his standing cock to rub up and down in the doctor’s warm hand, who seemed to have accidently laid hold of it. The effect was such that the poor youth hardly knew whether he felt most pleasure or pain, for while his posteriors were of a burning heat, the warmth flew to the opposite part, which was so deliciously clasped hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs in the doctor’s caressing hand. He ground his teeth with pleasure and pain, he ceased to cry out, but sobbed and moaned with the excess of indefinable feelings. The doctor never ceased lecturing him, dwelling continually on the beauties of his lovely young cousin and the scene in the arbour. He thought but of her, of her lovely pink little slit so sweetly shaded hot young teenie little tiny girls in bikinis gifs with soft downy short curls; how she had so charmingly caressed his cock, until he felt a heave and a shudder, another, a sensation as if he was going to expire, a short cry, a catching of his breath. Wildly and vigorously he thrust his member down on the doctor’s warm hand, he shut his eyes, he felt not the rod, although the doctor redoubled the strokes with all the force of his arm, and drew blood at every cut.

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