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Etheridge," replied the rector, "but don't tell me afterwards that I have been confessing to all sorts of scandalous things, because I know these mesmeric lecturers can make their subjects say anything." During this dialogue Frank had, unobserved by the others, quietly put Miss Blanche into a state of unconsciousness, then turning to Harry told him that if he would submit to be again operated upon, he could cute girls with tattoos nude make him and the Doctor's niece dance and sing to his orders to amuse the company. Harry Mortimer was too good-natured to refuse, and after him Frank also put the parson and Ada Manners into the same state, then as he looked around upon his parents and sisters he asked them, with a look of triumph, what the programme was to be. Ethel: "You left me out of the little party over the stable the other afternoon, so now it is my turn to be considered." Papa: "By all means, my darling, only say what you wish for." Ethel: "Then we will all strip, and as I wish particularly to feel that great and reverend prick, I will kneel on the couch and have the Doctor dog fashion, so we can see all what is going on. First make the two girls frig each other, then they shall be made to do the same to Harry and Frank, who will afterwards take their virginities, whilst you and Mamma will be delighted to gamahuche and help the operation, and after that we will be guided by our fancies." This pleased everyone. The subjects were made to strip off everything except the ladies' boots and stockings, presenting a most luscious sight to the free-loving family. Then to make up a tableau Frank willed that the Doctor, naked as he was, should take and seat his two nieces on his knees, and under his influence each of the two sisters at once extended a hand to grasp his glorious prick, which at the same time rose in all its pride of strength, so that their delicate hands, one above the other on its shaft, still left the purple head towering above the uppermost by two or three inches at least. Harry also took his place by the side of Ada, who caressed his stiffened cock with her disengaged hand, whilst Blanche did the same to Frank, who had stripped and stood by her side to complete the group. Beautiful as was this scene, Ethel lost very little time before she placed herself on the couch on cute girls with tattoos nude all fours, and as Frank ordered his subjects, the two nieces fairly dragged their uncle by his prick, till they got him up behind Ethel, and planted the head of his fiery steed just within the lips of her longing cunt. Etheridge now produced their birch rods, and began to stimulate the parson cute girls with tattoos nude with a shower of stinging cuts, the tips of the birch often also touching up Ethel's bum or thighs and adding very materially to her erotic enjoyment, as the Doctor fucked in a perfect fury of lust under the effects of the birching, which cute girls with tattoos nude fairly scored his firm, hard flesh, breaking the skin and drawing little drops of blood. Meanwhile Frank had conducted Harry Mortimer and the rector's nieces to another part of the room, and willed the two girls to frig each other. They were perfectly amenable to his every wish, Blanche stretching herself at full length on a fine rug made of the cute girls with tattoos nude skin of wild cats (which are said to have such exciting effects on those who recline upon them). Ada was made to reverse herself upon her elder sister, and each opening their legs with the utmost freedom, frigged and gamahuched each other's cunts in such a luscious manner sexy nude young redneck girls with big tits naked as left little doubt in Frank's mind that the two young girls had often before had rehearsals of the same game in private. The mesmerizer and his young friend knelt down also on the rug on either side of the tribades, and facing each other, embraced with the most apparent ardour across the bodies of the writhing and excitable girls. Each of them put an arm round the other's neck, their lips meeting in the most wanton manner possible as they sucked each other's tongues, whilst their disengaged hands cute girls with tattoos nude were applied to their respective pricks, till the spending moment came upon the group simultaneously--the two girls almost fainting from excess of pleasure as they emitted their virgin love juice, whilst the young fellows above them also spent as they held the very young amateur boys with girls nude teen party noses of their pricks together, letting the overflow of sperm sprinkle all over Blanche and Ada below. The other group had had an equally extatic finish, Ethel pushing back her bottom upon the parson's prick at the critical moment with all the energy of her maddening lust, and receiving within the inmost recess of her insatiable womb a perfect torrent of bliss, making her fairly scream with delight as she sank down cute girls with tattoos nude on the couch from the voluptuous exhaustion of the moment, the folds of her cunt tightening and throbbing upon his delighted prick in such a way that it retained its stiffness, and soon recommenced another thrilling course with Ethel lying flat under him face downwards.

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