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“It’s a beautiful sight to see you writhing and plunging under every scathing cut. May it do you good, and draw the imprudence out of your tail. Will you, try and behave better, or shall I send you off to the convent at once, in their holiday time? There!!!” He finished with three tremendous cuts, without waiting for my reply, and sank back, gasping for breath, into an easy chair.

It was quite a minute or two before my screams and moans of agony subsided. Then Miss Birch coming in, released my hands and leg, an ordering me to rest on the bed for a while, retired with my father locking the door real lesbian sex tapes behind them. The smarting sensation now turned to a delicious voluptuous warmth, as I real lesbian sex tapes lay under the bed clothes. My right hand was passed all over the glowing surface of my buttocks, and seemed at last, quite real sexy naked exwife unwittingly to settle itself on my hairless little cunny.

I turned on my belly with my hand still under me, and wriggling myself about, as I lay thinking over all the cuts I had received, gradually found a most pleasing sensation from the rubbing of my hand and the two forefingers mechanically worked into the slit, squeezing my legs together, I rubbed on to increase the pleasurable emotions which I felt driving me to strive and obtain, I knew not what. The frenzy now threw me into such a state of excitement that my fingers were plunged as far as possible up my virgin cunny, as I gasped, writhed, and tossed my bottom up and down. The crisis came at last, and my furious efforts were rewarded by a most heavenly emission; my soul seemed to flow from me at the moment, and left me in a delightful state of voluptuous lethargy, which lasted for some minutes, and when at length I regained my serenity, it was to find my fingers, cunny, and thighs all sticky from the thick spermy emission of my first maiden spend. There was also a slight stain of blood, for I had actually ravished myself in my furious excitement. I got up and sponged myself, then lay down to reflect on the curious and delicious emotions I had procured for myself, and determining to soon have a repetition of my secrets real lesbian sex tapes joys, fell asleep to dream of being in the arms of a most lovely boy about my own age, who seemed to impart to my ravished senses another taste of what I had already felt. Awaking in a struggle to retain my love-bird, I found myself bedewed by another emission, but at last I slept with tranquility, and never shall I forget my first taste of joy that day. _The Convent School_ My father’s extreme severity made me rather glad when in about a week’s time Miss Birch began to make preparations for my departure to Belgium, and in less than three weeks I found myself installed as a pupil in the seminary of the Ursuline nuns at Brussels. The Lady Superior struck me from the very first as being a frightfully severe woman; the morning after my arrival she sent for me to hear her read my father’s instructions, and remarked that he had given her _carte blanche_ real lesbian sex tapes as to punishment, and that in their school discipline was strictly enforced. “Remember, young lady,” said she, in dismissing me from her presence, “we never overlook a fault, and that my word is law here.” My face flushed with indignation, and tears filled my eyes as I left the apartment, fully assured in my own mind that real lesbian sex tapes I must soon experience a taste of their discipline, nor had I long to wait, for two days after, having confidentially expressed my disgust to another pupil, with respect to the really drunk irish sex coarse fare set before us at meals, I soon found I had been talking to a tell-tale spy, who carried everything to the Superior.

An elderly nun quietly told me she had been sent to conduct me to the private room of the Lady Superior. My time was come, and I followed my chaperone with trembling anxiety. Our Superior was a stern looking woman of about forty-five, with dark piercing eyes and Roman nose, thin compressed lips considerably adding to the severity of her expression.

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