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Of a certainty I shall ne’er find that brigand of a labourer.” Quoth the labourer to the priest: “Seek him no more, I counsel thee. It were better for thy health.” _EXCURSUS_ to _THE PRIEST AND THE LABOURER_.

The foregoing story reminds one of the device employed by “The Youth who would Futter his Father’s Wives,” (_The Thousand Nights and a Night: Supplemental Nights_, vol. Burton.) In the latter case the father sets out on a journey, but, having forgotten his shoes, instructs his son, who is accompanying him for a short way, to return and fetch them. The youth goes back, informs his father’s wives that they are to sleep with him in his parent’s absence, and, when they are incredulous, shouts to his father in the distance: “O my papa, mexican girls having sex big boobs one of them or the two of them?” The father, referring, of course, to his shoes, shouts back: “The two! The two!” The wives are convinced by this remark, as were the virgin daughters of the priest in our story from _Kruptadia_. We shall reserve further extracts from this Oriental narrative for a subsequent volume of _Anthologica Rarissima_, the plot and details being inappropriate to our present theme. THE TWO LOVERS AND THE TWO SISTERS.[113] [113] Masuccio: _The Novellino_: Translated into English by W. I will tell you, therefore, that in those days when Duke Ranier of Anjou, envious of the peace and quiet, as well as of the power and the wisdom of that divine prince, King Don Alfonso, was driven from Naples and from the Kingdom, it pleased him to tarry for a certain blond collage girls with fat asses having anal sex season in Florence. There were, amongst the other Frenchmen who were involved in the ruin and shipwreck of his fortunes, two valiant and accomplished cavaliers, the one named Filippo de Lincurto and the other Ciarlo d’Amboia. Now these two, although they were very prudent and endowed with many virtues, were inclined nevertheless, being young and given over to love, to leave the burden of blond collage girls with fat asses having anal sex disaster, and the cares thereof as well, to him who was especially concerned with the same, that is, to the duke. It happened that in their daily rides through Florence Filippo fell deeply in love with a graceful and very lovely young lady of noble parentage, and wife to a citizen of repute; and while he strove incessantly to win her, it chanced that Ciarlo, as he ranged another part of the city, became enamoured of a sister of Filippo’s lady-love, who abode unmarried in blond collage girls with fat asses having anal sex her father’s house. He, unwitting of this kinship, made up his mind, albeit he deemed her passing fair, to keep his passion within sober limits, forasmuch as he was well versed in the strife of love and aware that young damsels are wont to love lightly and without constancy.

Filippo, blond collage girls with fat asses having anal sex finding that his fair lady was discreet and of good understanding, and being also fully prepared to become her servant, resolved to give her his love entirely; on which account the lady, realizing his humour and considering his many and praiseworthy parts, likewise determined to recompense him with all the love of her heart, and began to favour him with her kindness in such wise that he saw she was the only woman in the world who knew how to love.

She, certes, would have let him taste at once the supreme fruit of love had she not been restrained therefrom by the continual presence of her husband; so, having given Filippo assurance, both by letter and by messages, that she was firmly set in this purpose, the two lovers longed beyond aught else for blond collage girls with fat asses having anal sex the time when the husband would take his departure to Flanders in the galley which was now expected at any hour to touch at Pisa.

While they thus abode in pleasureable expectation, Duke Ranier was obliged to return to France, whereat both the naked woman having sex with her father and brother blond collage girls with fat asses having very young girls eating pussy and having anal sex anal sex cavaliers felt mightily aggrieved, and especially that one of the two who loved and likewise was loved in return; nevertheless, being bound by necessity, they took their departure, snared as they were in amorous toils. Filippo swore to his lady that no obstacle, however great, should debar him from returning, and that, come what might, he as a loyal lover would never forsake her.

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